Assignments & Grading Rubric

Description Due date Points possible
In-class participation

We will be reading a variety of works and watching several videos in support of the diverse topics we will discuss in class. You are responsible for reading/viewing all of these. Your participation in class is critical to the success of this class. Contributing your ideas, reactions and questions to the topic at hand will nurture your skills and comfort at presenting your thoughts orally. In addition we all benefit from a dialogue that includes diverse and even occasionally conflicting perceptions.

Plan to attend class and arrive on time. You will be penalized for excessive absences and tardiness. Be courteous to your classmates and course instructor by not conversing with others during class lectures. Turn off cell phones, pagers, and other devices that might disrupt class. Use laptops and other devices to support current course activities only. During the 1 hour and 15 minutes you are in class, your attention should be completely devoted to the course.

Your participation grade is based on my perception of your participation in and out of class. Class participation consists of doing the following: attending class, arriving to class on time, being prepared for class, making observations about the readings, asking questions, taking notes, actively working on in-class exercises and actively listening.

If an unexpected problem arises for you during the course of the semester (serious illness, etc.), please let me know so that we can discuss an appropriate schedule for you. If you need to miss class because of a religious holiday, then we can certainly make alternative arrangements for this as well.

Every class 10%

Homework is to be emailed to me the day it is due, typically the next class period after it is assigned.


Throughout the course of the semester, pop quizzes will be administered at the start of class. Quiz questions will relate that day's readings. Quizzes cannot be made-up for any reason. If you arrive late to class and the quiz is still 'in session' then you can start the quiz. However, you will not receive extra time to complete it. Your paper will be collected along with everyone else's.

Mid-term exam

TBA 10%

There will be two projects due for this course.

Project 1 - Research Project.Due, 4/20/15

Project 2 - E-Resources Project. Due, 4/20/15

Final exam

The Final Exam is cumulative. The Final Exam is scheduled for December 5th in our regular classroom. I expect you to be there. If you do not attend you will receive an F, no questions. If you anticipate some problem with taking the exam on this day or in this location (e.g., you have a conflict with another scheduled exam or you typically take your exams in the LDS office), then you need to let me know at least 2 weeks in advance. You will need to provide documentation of why you cannot take the exam during the regularly scheduled period.

12/5 8:00 am 20%


Grading Rubric

  • A = 94-100 points
  • A- = 90-93 points
  • B+ = 87-89 points
  • B = 84-86 points
  • B- = 80-83 points
  • C+ = 77-79 points
  • C = 74-76 points
  • C- = 70-73 points
  • D+ = 67-69 points
  • D = 64-66 points
  • D- = 60-63 point
  • F = 0-59.9 points