INLS 582_002, Systems Analysis

Useful Information

Textbooks Software Homework Guidelines Resources Recommended Reading


Other readings are available through E-reserves or will be linked from the schedule as necessary.


The SILS lab staff frequently update software options, so information in this section may change. If you know about other software that would be helpful for this class, please let me know!

You will need a graphics tool for drawing models.

I would recommend the free online modeling tool Lucid Chart. It runs as a web app, has lots of nice drawing features, and supports collaborative workflows. It also integrates with Google Drive. You need to request a free educational license, so do this in advance of the modeling assignments.

Microsoft Visio provides templates for the UML models we'll be drawing, as well as many other useful features. It is available through the SILS lab for all students registered for the class. If you are unfamiliar with Visio, you may find the Microsoft Office Online Training for Visio helpful.

As long as they have the required elements for each model, you may use other drawing tools, such as:

Please hand in your models as pdf files, or paste them into Word documents. Please do not submit .jpg or .png files. Be sure you acquire the tool in plenty of time for your homework assignments!

Homework Guidelines


Recommended Reading