Preparations for clients session

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To prepare yourselves for the following session, do subtasks 01.01 and 01.02, then look at the readings linked from this page to prepare yourselves to understand what we will be talking about during the following session.

on clients

  1. How Operating Systems Work by Dave Coustan and Curt Franklin, How Stuff Works. Look especially at the distinction between single-user, multi-tasking and multi-user operating systems
  2. Introduction to Client Server Networks by Bradley Mitchell,
  3. you might also glance at How Laptops Work by by Tracy V. Wilson and Robert Valdes, How Stuff Works
  4. and at FTP Client Software Frequently Asked Questions, but don't purchase anything

on Open Source

  1. read What does open source mean? in How Stuff Works. This is part of the next session's discussion of operating systems.

on servers

  1. How Web Servers Work by Marshall Brain, How Stuff Works
  2. Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
  3. In Web Design in a Nutshell , 3rd Edition, read parts of chapter 4, "A Beginner's Guide to the Server" Unix Directory Structures, p. 46 through File Naming Conventions, p. 50

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intro | subtask 01.01 | subtask 01.02 | next session preparations