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January | February | March | April |
1/9/13, Class 1. Introduction Business: Discussion leaders for Case Study 1 In Class: Intro Slides Assignment: |
Monday 1/14/13, Class 2.
Information Systems, Information Systems Analysis -- what
are they? Preparation: Read Sellen,
Harper, R. (2002). The future of paper. In Sellen & Harper, The
Myth of the Paperless Office, Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Press. Ch.
7, pp. 185-212.
Discuss the Project.Project specifications Prep Slides 1 Prep Slides 2 In Class: Discussion Slides |
Wednesday 1/16/13, Class 3.
The Systems Development Life Cycle; Case Study 1 Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 1, Introduction
In Class:Batra, D., Xia, W., VanderMeer, D. & Dutta, K. (2010). Balancing Agile and structured development approaches to successfullly manage large distributed software projects: A case study from the cruise line industry. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 27, Article 21, 379-394. Case Study 1: Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Hawkey, K., & Beznosov, B. (2009). A case study of enterprise identity management system adoption in an insurance organization. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT), 46-55. Discussion leaders' comments due Monday 1/14/13. Prep Slides |
Monday 1/21/13, no class.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day |
Wednesday 1/23/13, Class 4.
Models Preparation: Read Hendry,
functions and the adaptation of design representations
in interdisciplinary teams. Proceedings of the 2004
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems,
In Class:
Siceloff, B. (2012). Bell Tower roundabout will be scaled back to a single lane. News & Observer, June 5, 2012. Prep Slides Assignment: Case Studies 2-4 preferences due. |
Monday 1/28/13, Class 5.
Problem definition; feasibility study Preparation: Read Davis,
The problem statement. In W. Davis & D.
Yen, The Information System
Consultant's Handbook: Systems Analysis and Design.
Boca Raton: CRC Press. Chapter 12, 87-90.
In Class:Davis, W. (1999). The feasibility study. In W. Davis & D. Yen, The Information System Consultant's Handbook: Systems Analysis and Design. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Chapter 13, 91-96. Prep Slides Assignment: Assign Problem Definition, due Wednesday 2/11/13. |
Wednesday, 1/30/13, Class 6.
Contextual inquiry; information gathering Preparation: Read Swan,
& Harper, R. (2008). Making place for clutter and
other ideas of home. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human
Interaction, 15(2), Article 9.
In Class:
Beyer & Holtzblatt, Ch. 2, Gathering Customer Data & Ch. 3, Principles of contextual inquiry. Prep Slides |
Monday, 2/4/13,
Class 7. CI; infGath, cont. Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 4, Contextual inquiry in practice.
In Class:Gellatly, A., Hansen, C., Highstrom, M & Weiss, J. (2010). Journey: General Motors' move to incorporate contextual design into its next generation of automotive HMI designs. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 156-161. Prep Slides |
Wednesday, 2/6/13, Class 8.
Project management Preparation: Read Armour,
Ten unmyths of project estimation. Communications of the ACM,
45(11), 15-18.
In Class:Project Management Institute Browse the website, especially "About Us" and "Certification" pages. Prep Slides |
Monday 2/11/13, Class 9. Scenarios;
personas Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 5, A language of work.
In Class:Carrol, J. (2000). Five reasons for scenario-based design. Interacting with Computers, 13(1), 43-60. Holtzblatt , K., Wendell, J. & Wood, S. (2005). Rapid Contextual Design. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Ch. 9, Using Contextual Data to Write Personas, 181-191. Prep Slides (scenarios & personas) Assignment: Problem Definition due today. Problem Definitions
Submit problem preferences by Tuesday 2/12/13, 12:00 noon; review candidate problems. |
Wednesday, 2/13/13, Class 10.
Project/Team organization Preparation: Read Burdman,
Communication issues. In Collaborative Web
In Class:Development: Strategies and Best Practices for Web Teams. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 75-87. Mark, G. (1998). Building virtual teams: Perspectives on communication, flexibility and trust. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 19(3), 38-41. Project Candidates Assignment: Assign Information Gathering Plans, due Wednesday 2/27/13. |
Monday, 2/18/13, Class 11. Use
cases Preparation: Read [optional]Miles
Ch. 2, Modeling requirements: Use cases
In Class:Pilone & Pitman, Ch. 7, Use case diagrams. Gottesdiener, E. (2002). Top ten ways project teams misuse use cases -- and how to correct them: Part I: Content and style issues The Rational Edge, June 2002. [Explorer may work better than Firefox] Gottesdiener, E. (2002). Top ten ways project teams misuse use cases -- and how to correct them: Part II: Eliciting and modeling use cases The Rational Edge, July 2002. [ Explorer may work better than Firefox] Prep Slides (use cases) |
Wednesday, 2/20/13, Class 12.
Artifact models Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt, Ch. 6, Work models:
The artifact model, pp. 102-107.
In Class:
Carnegie artifact modelPrep Slides (artifact models) Artifact Example |
Monday, 2/25/13, Class 13. Activity
models Preparation: Read Miles
Ch. 3, Modeling System Workflows: Activity Diagrams.
In Class:Pilone & Pitman, Ch. 9, Activity diagrams. Bell, D. (2003). UML Basics Part II: The activity diagram. The Rational Edge, September 2003. [optional] Prep Slides Assignment: Assign Work Models, due Wednesday 3/6/13. |
Wednesday, 2/27/13, Class 14.
Sequence model; decision models Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 6, Work models: The sequence model, pp. 96-101.
In Class:Prep Slides (decision models) Prep Slides (sequence model) Assignment: Information Gathering Plans due today. |
Monday, 3/4/13, Class 15. Flow
model Preparation: In Class: |
Wednesday, 3/6/13, Class 16.
Case Study 2; Interpretation Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 7, The interpretation session.
In Class:Case Study 2: Duncan, V. & Gerrard, A. (2011). All Together Now! Integrating Virtual Reference in the Academic Library. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 50(3), 280-292. Discussion leaders' comments due Monday 3/4/13. Prep Slides |
Monday, 3/11/13 & Wednesday, 3/13/13, no class. Spring Break |
Monday 3/18/13, Class 17. Physical
cultural models Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 6, Work models: The physical model, pp. 115-123.
In Class:Beyer & Holtzblatt, Ch. 6, Work models: The cultural model, pp. 107-115. Monk, A. & Howard, S. (1998).The rich picture: a tool for reasoning about work context. interactions, 5(2), 21-30. Prep Slides (physical model) Prep Slides (cultural model) |
Wednesday, 3/20/13, Class 18.
Semantic Modeling; entity-relationship models Preparation: Read Elmasri,
Navathe, S. (2007). Ch. 3, Data modeling
using the entity-relationship (ER) model, sections
3.1-3.4. In Fundamentals
of Database, 5th edition. Addison Wesley.
(Note: Ch. 7.1-7.4 in later editions)
In Class:Prep Slides (content models) Prep Slides (ER model) Assignment: Project Draft Models 1 due today. |
Monday, 3/25/13, Class 19.
ER models, cont. Preparation: Practice Prep Slides
(ER practice exercises)
In Class:Assignment: Assign ER Model, due Wednesday 4/3/13. |
Wednesday, 3/27/13, Class 20.
Data dictionary; CRUD; Case Study 3 Preparation: Read Case Study 3: Koelker,
K. & Lutz, J. (2010). Development of the
Information Commons at TCU: A Case Study. Journal
Administration, 50(2), 95-115. Discussion leaders' comments
due Monday 3/25/13.
In Class: Prep Slides |
Monday, 4/1/13, Class
21. Card sorting; web models; Consolidation Preparation: Read Rosenfeld,
Morville, P. (2006). Information Architecture
for the World Wide Web. O'Reilly. Ch. 10.7.2, Card
sorting and Ch. 12.1 - 12.4, Design and Documentation
In Class:Beyer & Holtzblatt, Ch. 9, Creating one view of the customer. Read pp. 151-163. Beyer & Holtzblatt, Ch. 11, Work redesign. "Directed skimming": please read all figures, captions, and hints. Prep Slides (web models) Prep Slides (consolidation) |
Wednesday 4/3/13, Class 22. User
Environment model; Accessibility Preparation: Read Beyer & Holtzblatt,
Ch. 15, The User Environment Design.
In Class:Loiacono, E. (2004). Cyberaccess: Web accessibility and corporate America. Communications of the ACM, 47(12), 82-87. Loiacono, E., Romano, N. & McCoy, S. (2009) The state of corporate website accessibility. Communications of the ACM, 52(9), 128-132. Read about the Federal Government's Section 508. I recommend: 508 Law; Summary of 508 Standards; Accessability Tools and Support; FAQs Look at W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative, including the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Overview Prep Slides (UED) Prep Slides (Accessibility Assignment: ER Model due today. |
Monday, 4/8/13, Class 23.
Accessibility, cont.; risk, change Preparation: Read Lorenzi, N,. &
Riley, R. (2000). Managing Change: An Overview.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,
7, 116-124.
In Class:Sicotte, C. et al. (2006). A risk assessment of two interorganizational clinical information systems. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 13, 557-566. Prep Slides Assignment: Project Draft Models 2 due today. |
Wednesday, 4/10/13, Class 24.
Design ethics Preparation: Read Friedman,
Value-sensitive design. interactions 3(6), 17-23.
In Class:Shilton, K. (2010). Technology development with an agenda: Interventions to emphasize values in design. Proceedings of the ASIS&T 2010 Annual Meeting. Prep Slides |
Monday 4/15/13, Class 25.
Case Study 4; Wrap-up Preparation: Read Case Study 4: Guillemette, M., Fontaine, I., Caron,
C. (2009). A hybrid tracking system of human
resources: A case study in a Canadian university.
Communications of the Association for Information
Systems, 24(1), Article 15. Discussion leaders' comments due
Saturday 4/13/13.
In Class: |
Wednesday, 4/17/13, Class 26.
Odyssey of the Mind Payment; SILS Help Desk |
Monday, 4/22/13, Class 27.
SILS-Jobs listserv; Writing Center Online Tutor System; Southern Oral History Program Rights Management |
Wednesday, 4/24/13, Class 28.
Duke Homestead State Historic Site Coordination, Improving Access to Academic Programs Resources for Ackland Docents |
Wednesday, 5/1/12. Projects and Team Evaluations due no later than 4:00 pm. |