User Education

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Course Resources

Information Literacy Standards and Models Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Students The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Standards for the 21st-Century Learner American Association of School Librarians

The Seven Pillars of Information Literacy Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL) [all universities in the UK and Ireland are members]

Big6 is an information and technology literacy model and curriculum, implemented many schools – K through higher education

Teaching Philosophy Writing Your Teaching Philosophy Online tutorial from University of Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning

The Teaching Philosophy/Teaching Statement Several guides and rubrics from University of Michigan's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

Sample teaching philosophy from Dr. Sue Blalock, Associate Professor, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Sample teaching philosophy from Kevin M. Roddy, Information Literacy librarian, Kapi'olani Community College in Honolulu, Hawai'i (he also provides a brief 'learning philosophy' statement)

Opportunities for Instruction Observation UNC Libraries Instruction Calendar Select either Davis, Health Sciences Library, or Undergraduate Library and click through the daily calendar. If you see a session of interest, first contact Rachael - who will then contact the librarian to see about letting you attend.

Community Workshop Series

UNC Center for Faculty Excellence classes

Odum Institute classes

NCSU Library Online Basic Orientation

Resources for Instruction Librarians Projects and Publications from the Instruction Section of ACRL

Instructional Improvement in Academic Libraries Dr. Scott Walter, Associate University Librarian for Services and Associate Dean of Libraries at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, designed this site to bring together resources and materials from around the country in support of academic librarians interested in pursuing their own professional development in the field of teaching and learning, and in support of instruction coordinators and other library administrators hoping to support a culture of teaching in their organizations.

Instructional Design UNC Center for Faculty Excellence Schedule of Workshops and Classes These excellent on-campus workshops are free for graduate students as well as faculty. Topics range from creating effective assignments to crafting learning objectives and much more.

Cornell Center for Teaching Excellence offers an array of online resources from presentation on academic integrity to assessment rubrics to videos on active learning.

Teaching Teaching Models: In-depth descriptions of popular teaching models classified along a continuum from instructor-directed, to student-instructor negotiated, to student-directed. The site includes annotated PPT slides for even more detailed information on each model. From The Design Shop at Virginia Tech.

Educational Origami is a blog and a wiki, about 21st Century Teaching and Learning. The site has a wide variety of resources - from in-depth information about Bloom's taxonomy to teaching tools.

Ideas for Instruction Activities The Library Instruction Cookbook (2009). Edited by Ryan Sittler and Douglas Cook. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Active Learning Exercises. From East Carolina University Library

Clearinghouse of Instruction Materials. From University of Texas Libraries

Information Literacy Activities. From University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Library Instruction Activities. From the University of Cincinnati

Library Instruction. Blog from Mr. Library Dude at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay

California Conference on Library Instruction. Previous conferences programs and material relating to instruction

Presentation Skills Effective Presentation Skills video (5 min) from a professional training session by Joel Hochberger

Evaluation and Assessment ERIAL Ethnographic Research in Illinois Academic Libraries: a collaborative project to better understand how students do research, and how relationships between students, teaching faculty and librarians shape that process.

iSkills Assessment from ETS. An outcomes-based assessment, the iSkills assessment measures applied ICT literacy skills through a range of real-world task

LibQUAL+® is a suite of services that libraries use to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users' opinions of service quality.

SAILS Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills

Professional Organizations LOEX Claringhouse for library instruction and host of an annual conference devoted to library instruction. Often the slides from conference presentations are available on the site.

The Instruction Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), a roundtable of the American Library Association (ALA). Note: this is a temporary LIRT site hosted at Baylor University - so will probably move soon

ACRL Institute for Information Literacy They host the annual immersion programs that provide intensive information literacy training for instruction librarians

Information Literacy Section of IFLA The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

Instructional Technology Poll Everywhere Free audience response tool allowing participants to text/Tweet or vote online in real-time.

Evernote Free tools for note taking, sharing, sync across devices, etc.

Examples of Online Tutorials Bruin Success with Less Stress This collaborative effort between UCLA librarians and the Office of Intellectual Property provides an introduction to academic integrity and intellectual property.

LOBO Library Online Basic Orientation from NCSU Libraries

Te Punga, the Voyager Tutorial An award-winning interactive, web-based tutorial which focuses on key skills for using the University of Auckland Library's Voyager catalogue.