Lab Info

You may use any computer you wish to do your work. If you choose to bring your laptop and use it for all work, you may. If you choose to (and you may have to) use the computers and software in the SILS Computer Lab to do your work, you may.

During the semester, one can usually find a computer available in the lab. However, Manning 117 (the lab classroom) is often unavailable due to classes or special events being held there. Look at the schedule to see what classes are being taught in the lab classroom. Also check the lab classroom schedule posted by the classroom door because the classroom is sometimes reserved for special events.

Remote desktop assistance

You will have an alternative.

ITS' Virtual Labs The best alternative is ITS' Virtual Labs, which advertises "Your Windows desktops and apps on demand - from any PC, Mac, or tablet." This will require you to load a Java application on your laptop, but it will provide you access to programs you may need, but may not have on your own laptop.


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