sources describe the research process from start to finish. For first timers,
the sources help fill the gaps in your research experiences, giving you the
data you need to successfully plan and implement a project. Experienced researchers
can use these sources to review the big picture or to hone in on specific process
steps to brush up on skills and expertise.
Babbie, Earl. The Practice of Social Research. Ninth
Designed for students, this classic work provides in-depth coverage of social research methods. Its easy-to-navigate, multi-layered structure presents high-level overviews of content before delving into technical details. This work is of particular use in helping first-time researchers select and describe specific research methods and strategies. [Note: Check latest edition (10th?)]
Creswell, John W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousands Oak, CA: Sage Publications, 2002.
This work presents an overall framework that structures the research design process for both new and experienced researchers. Its first three chapters (A Framework for Design, Review of the Literature, Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations) clearly describe the preliminary work that should take place even before the proposal writing begins. Another useful section assists with the development of research questions (Research Questions and Hypotheses).
This book explains the research process from start to finish in simple terms. It includes useful tips and checklists to keep beginners on track.
Patten, Mildred L. Understanding Research Methods: An Overview
of the Essentials. Third Edition.
Organized in short sections by topic, this work provides researchers with quick access to basic research methods-related data. The author describes literature reviews, sampling, measurement, experimental design, statistics and other topics in non technical terms at a conceptual level easily understood by first-time researchers.
Robson, Colin. Real World Research: A Resource for Social
Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers.
An excellent resource that presents research methods and tools in a straightforward manner that is useful for the specialist and non-specialist alike. The book clearly defines the research process in non-technical terms and includes numerous exhibits (e.g., flowcharts, tables, graphs) and examples. The text includes useful suggestions and identifies items to consider in the research process lifecycle.
Glossary of Social Science
Computer and Social Science Data Terms
Visit this
site to define terms commonly used in a data library or computing environment.
The definitions are cross-indexed to facilitate movement between related terms
and concepts.
Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
A quick and efficient way to determine the definition of complex social science terms or phrases, this site provides users with both a Google-like search engine and an A-Z index for browsing.
Research Methods WWW Tutorial
This website provides students with supplemental information on research methods to access outside of class. The author uses five topics to organize the information: What are research methods?; Common errors made in research; Some early steps in research; Variables and relationships; Portrait of the young child as a researcher. Some topics include links to related websites and articles.
Social Science Information Gateway
projects start with well-designed proposals. This step requires researchers to
consider in detail their research focus and how they intend to complete the
work. A good proposal also serves as a useful communication tool that helps you
to enroll stakeholders in your project effort, a key requirement to ensure
continued support. Finally, it provides a roadmap that you can refer to
throughout the project when faced with questions like “Why did we do this in
the first place?”
Hall, Mary S. and Susan Howlett.
Getting Funded: The Complete Guide to
Writing Grant Proposals. Fourth Edition.
This well-written guide clearly explains the grant writing process in non technical terms, with useful explanations and examples. Chapter 3 Developing the Idea explains how to develop a clear and compelling research focus.
Krathwohl, David R. How to Prepare a Research Proposal:
Guidelines for Funding and Dissertations in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Third Edition.
This book provides an introductory-level description of the proposal process. Section III Preparing and Submitting the Proposal covers useful topics like the most common reasons why proposals fail and presents detailed checklists, writing tips, and comments on different types of studies.
Kraicer, Jacob. (1997) The Art of Grantsmanship.
The author provides sound advice from the perspective of both a successful submitter and as a reviewer in an engaging manner. It includes useful tips on how to select reviewers, suggests a sequence of activities, and identifies common mistakes committed by first-time applicants.
Social Science Resource Council
The Art of Writing Proposals: Some Candid Suggestions for Applicants to Social Science Resource Council Competitions
This site demystifies the committee review process and provides useful information that will help writers create proposals that standout from the pack. It identifies and then describes the three questions that reviewers typically consider when evaluating proposals, and suggests strategies to provide compelling answers.
Humanities Grant Development Office
Graduate Student Proposal Development Tutorial
Written specifically for KU graduate students pursuing humanities-related grants and fellowships, this site presents the major steps involved in writing proposals in a simple, straight-forward format complete with tips. The authors use an engaging “how to” writing style, which is particularly useful to those new to the proposal writing process. A downloadable version of the site information is available in PDF.
Research at
Grant Source Library
Although designed specifically for
students, faculty, and staff at the
Office of Research
Proposal Writing Guide
This site provides another great example of a site designed to facility the proposal writing process for novices. Although written primarily for a graduate and PhD student audience, the suggestions and guides are easily transferable to other institutional settings. Of particular use, the site provides five general tips regarding the process that may serve as a checklist or items to consider. It also provides a descriptive outline of the key components of a proposal.
A project’s
success often hinges on the ability of the researcher to select a method that
fits best with her or his research skills and project goals. The following
sources provide general information on common research methods to help
facilitate the selection process.
Oral History
Ritchie, Donald A. Doing Oral History: A Practical Guide.
Second Edition.
Sommer, Barbara W. The Oral History Manual.
Content Analysis
Franzosi, Roberto. From Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and
Social Science.
Krippendorf, Klaus. Content Analysis: An Introduction to its
Methodology. Second Edition.
Neuendorf, Kimberly. The Content Analysis Guidebook.
Interviews and
Dillman, Don A. Mail and Internet Surveys: The Tailored
Design Method.
Fowler, Floyd J., Jr. Improving Survey Questions: Design and
Punch, Keith F. Survey Research: The Basics.
Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna S.
Lincoln. Handbook of Qualitative Research.
Second Edition.
Krathwohl, David R. Methods of Educational and Social Science
Research: An Integrated Approach. Second Edition.
This text book provides a detailed
overview of the research process. Sections 4-6 provide a detailed look at qualitative
and quantitative research methods, and a hybrid approach that combines the best
of both methods. It includes a glossary of research terms cross-indexed with
the text. Well-written in an instructive style, this book is relatively free of
jargon and technical terms.
Lewis-Beck, Michael. Data Analysis: An Introduction. Series:
Quantitative Application in the Social Sciences, 103.
This short handbook (i.e., <77 pages) introduces and explains statistical fundamentals in a simple, non technical style. Both first-time and seasoned researchers will benefit from the author’s clear explanations basic concepts such as measures of association, significance testing, simple regression, and multiple regression.
Patton, Michael Quinn. Qualitative
Evaluation and Research Methods. Third Edition.
This lengthy book focuses on the qualitative
research process based on the author’s research experiences. A particular strength
of this work consists of a detailed look at qualitative interview techniques,
including how to word the questions and record the data (Chapter 7 Qualitative Interviewing). Chapter 9 Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation explores the use
of inductive analysis, logical analysis, and the validation and verification of
research data.
Maricopa Community Colleges
Research Methods on Social and Natural Sciences
This site presents a brief interactive tutorial on the five research methods. Its objective is to instruct students on how to differentiate between the methodologies and to understand the strengths and weaknesses associated with each method. It includes features that allow students to practice their knowledge and concludes with a brief test to determine how much information users retain.
Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An Internet Resource List
This useful site presents research methods data in seven categories: general; tests and measures; survey methods; quantitative; qualitative; research and writing; and software. The click-through resources list includes on-line textbooks, journal articles, newsletters, and research centers.
This well-organized site features data of use for all levels of expertise. It includes approximately 50 web-based research methods tutorials designed by graduate students for other students that focus on specific topics (e.g., Qualitative Research Methods; In Search of Truth through Quantitative Reasoning; How Stable and Consistent is Your Instrument?; Multivariate Statistics: An Introduction)
A key step
in the research process involves communicating project results with colleagues
and stakeholders. The design and delivery of informative presentations involves
more than just creating and showing a few PowerPoint slides. The following
sources provide suggestions and tips to help researchers create powerful and
interesting presentations that showcase project results.
Buchan, Vivian. Make Presentations with Confidence.
Barron’s Business Success Guides.
This short book provides first-time presenters with key tips and suggestions on how to develop and deliver informative presentations. It discusses the use of charts, figures, and tables to enliven presentations, and includes information on how to develop the confidence necessary to convey complex topics to both small and large groups.
Most successful
projects do not end with the completion and delivery of the final report. These
projects typically involve the implementation of findings and recommendations.
The following sources provide general information related to the project management
Bryson, John M., and Farnum K.
Alston. Creating and Implementing Your
Strategic Plan: A Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations.
Although developed to facilitate the strategic planning, this workbook contains a useful section on implementing processes within organizations. It includes worksheets and templates to help plan and communicate process changes to increase the odds of successful implementation.
Project Management
This site explains project management basics and includes a useful breakdown of key process steps. It includes links to related information included the specific roles and responsibilities of project managers, various approaches, and links to standards.