
Below is a list of books browsed, examined and selected. Of course this is only one view of what the patron may find useful. These titles are listed alphabetically by author's last name. All of these titles are located on the third floor of Davis Library.


Austin, James H. (1998). Zen and the brain. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (BQ9288.A967)

Bruswell, Robert E. (1992). The Zen monastic experience. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. (BQ9294.4.K6 B87)

England, Roger & Bancroft, Anne (2001). The Wisdom of zen. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. (BQ9258.W573)

Enomiya-Lassalle, H.M. (1968). Zen way to enlightenment. New York: Taplinger. (BL1493.L2813)

Hyers, Conrad (1989). Once born, twice born zen. Wolfeboro, N.H.: Longwood Academic. (BQ9262.9.J3 H94)

Japan Times (1970). Zen buddhism. Tokyo: The Japan Times. (BL1442.Z4 J3)

Kraft, Kenneth (Ed) (2000). Zen teaching, zen practice. New York: Weatherhill. (BQ968.A863 Z46)

Keido, Chisan (2000). Soto zen. Mount Shasta, Cali.: Shasta Abbey Press. (BQ9415.4.K44)

Loori, John Daido (Ed) (2002). The Art of just sitting. Boston: Wisdom Publications. (BQ9438.A78)

Sato, Giei (1973). Unsui. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii. (BQ9294.4.J3 S25)

Sogen, Omori (1996). An Introduction to zen training. London: Kegan Paul International. (BQ9288.O4713)

Suzuki, Shunryu (1999). Branching streams flow in the darkness. Berkeley: University of California Press. (BQ9268.S563 S89)

Suzuki, Shunryu (1970). Zen mind, beginners mind. New York: Weatherhill. (BL1478.6.S9)

Tworkov, Helen (1989). Zen in america. San Francisco: North Point Press. (BQ9298.T89)

Wienpahl, Paul (1964). The Matter of zen. New York: New York University Press (BL1478.6 W15)
