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Over a period of more than ten centuries several different civilizations contributed to the construction of the walls around Carcassonne. As we strolled between the ramparts with our guide in hand, we could identify by the shapes of the stones which pieces of the walls were built by the Romans, the Visigoths, and finally the French in the 13th century under Louis IX, Philip the Fair, and Philip the Bold. The walls were restored during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Within the city walls, Carcassonne has a small chateau and a cathedral dating from the 11th and 12th centuries. It was here that my mother and I first encountered some repercussions of the September 11th terrorist attacks. As a result of that event, French tourist destinations were receiving fewer visitors and less revenue, and thus the industry chose this time to go on strike. The town's shops, its ramparts, and its cathedral were all accessible to visitors, but the museum inside the chateau was closed due to the strike.

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This page was created for INLS 244: Digital Preservation and Access.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Last updated on April 4, 2004.