Service Responses in North Carolina


Cleveland County Library system
Carol Wilson, Director - June 1998

Needs Addressed by This Service Response

A library that provides a Consumer Information service addresses the need for information to make informed consumer decisions and helps residents become more self-sufficient.

What the Library Does and Provides

The library provides expert assistance and specialized electronic and print resources to individuals who are interested in becoming more knowledgeable consumers and to individuals who need to make Important consumer decisions. The library offers resources that include critical reviews of products and services and wholesale price guides for durable goods. The library also offers access to information on maintaining and repairing consumer goods.

The library may provide programs on topics such as health, nutrition, child care, and consumer affairs. The library may offer practical pamphlets, booklets, and electronic access to resources produced by cooperative extension agencies, governmental entities, and consumer advocacy organizations. The library may also create its own consumer resources such as informational brochures, or it may locate and organize consumer-related information on a web page.

Description of Library and Service Population

The Cleveland County Library System is located in the southwestern Piedmont of North Carolina. The library system consists of a main library located in the county seat of Shelby, a branch library and a bookmobile. The service population is 91,000. Cleveland County has some diversified industry, but outside the Shelby and Kings Mountain city limits it is mostly rural. The Library System has 17 FTE staff of whom three are professional librarians.

Need Addressed by Service Response and Target Audience

Cleveland county has recently had some major plant closings with a consequent rise in the unemployment rate. More than ever, its citizens need to be cautious when buying big ticket items and need information that will help them make the best purchase possible. The target audience is the adult population of the county. The library also strive to provide children with books and other materials to help them learn wise spending practices such as recycling and saving money.

Service Objective

The objective of this service response is to maintain a collection, in all formats, to help the citizens of Cleveland County make wise buying decisions.

What the Library Does and Provides

The library provides serial publications such as Consumer Reports with yearly Buying Guides, Electronics Buying Guide , New and Used Car Buying Guides, NADA New and Used Car Guides, Consumer Digest and all buying guides, First Search (in-house subscription) featuring Consumer Index.

The library also provides electronic resources such as NC LIVE EbscoHost, ProQuest Direct, InfoTrac (in-house subscription), and SIRS.

The library provides Internet service, in addition, plus several CD-ROM resources that can trace businesses and their products, and many books on various topics of interest to consumers.

Resources Allocated to Service

Fifteen computers are available to the public with the above listed electronic services. The entire staff is trained to help patrons access all materials described above. Each library site is equipped with resources in-house and materials are faxed to and from each site as needed.

Community Collaborations

The library system has partnered with the hospital and the Mental Health Association to select and provide materials in the area of health care consumerism. The United Way also provides an I & R service through the library that contains contacts for consumer problems and referrals to free lawyer services.

Funding and Support Services

The library system has received several grants over the past ten years that have allowed it to strengthen our consumer information collection. The reference and adult book budget contains a small percent designated to this subject area. The provision of free Internet access from the State Library has also made many more resources available in this area.

Service Measures/Recent Outcomes

This service response can be evaluated through traditional methods, such as reference transactions, number of acquisitions and user satisfaction studies. We have had tremendous response to LSCA Wellness Center grant, which includes many resources on health care consumerism. Demand continues to remain high for all the other resources as well. This patron response has led us to the point where we are adding more resources and publications.