of the
School of Information and Library Science,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Salary Policy             Appendices

Last Revised March 24, 1999
  1. The Dean determines the faculty salaries in the School of Information and Library Science by taking into account the following factors:

    1. both long- and short-term indicators of merit;
    2. multiple criteria of merit, including teaching, research, service, and participation in the life of the School. The Dean's request for documentation for the annual review will be made in early April. Evidence will be provided by the faculty members' curriculum vitae, annual report, and teaching evaluations; following the request and due at an appropriate time specified by the Dean.
    3. attention to actual salary levels, not only percentage amounts of increases;
    4. inequities resulting from changing market conditions, inadequate funding, compression due to disparity between internal rates of increase and competing offers, and any other inappropriate disparities;
    5. for faculty members who also serve as administrators, excellence in performance of administrative duties, with regard to the portion of salary not attributable to regular faculty duties.

  2. The faculty will elect a committee of three, one from each rank of assistant, associate, and full professor. Each member shall serve three years. The terms of appointment are such that each year one member of the committee rotates off. In the event that a member goes on leave, receives a promotion, or is otherwise unable to finish his or her term, a special election shall be held to fill the unexpired term. For all elections, the continuing members of the committee will call for nominations by the faculty. The two faculty members receiving the most nominations will be the candidates for the election.

  3. The committee:

    1. shall ensure that the written salary policy is on file and is available for convenient review by the faculty;
    2. will receive from the Dean normally by October 1 of each year a list of all faculty members, their salary increases and percentage increases for the current fiscal year;
    3. may review salary increases and may consult the Dean about any trends that do not appear to follow the written salary policy;
    4. may indicate to the Dean any perceived inconsistencies;
    5. will appraise the Dean's performance in implementing salary policies for which she/he has direct administrative responsibility as part of the regular evaluation of the Dean.
    6. will report to the faculty the results of their review.

  4. The committee and the Dean invite faculty members to submit at any time comments and recommendations on the overall salary policy. Formal and informal discussion are appropriate in regard to development and refinement of the School's faculty salary policy.