Garden Tour


The Coastal Plain Habitat immerses visitors in a naturalistic display of plants native to eastern North Carolina where the elevation ranges from sea level at the coast to 500 feet at the fall line.

Extreme light reflection off the sandy, low nutrient soil, intense summer heat, and frequent natural fires create a demanding habitat to which plants have adapted by having leaves protected with a waxy coating, hairs or scales, and deep or spreading root systems.

The plant communities represented here range from dry sandhills to wet, lowland pine savannas and pocosins. The display area is burned every year for weed maintenance, educational interpretation, and plant community requirements.

Some of the interesting plants indigenous to the coastal plain region include: long-leaf pine, sand myrtle, golden club, Venus' fly trap and pitcher plants. The flower display is at its peak in September and October.

Click here for coastal sounds to accompany you on your tour. (.au file=approximately 181kb)

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