Due: Feb. 28, 1998

Overview. Using the proposal idea generated by your group and the objectives and action plan turned in for assignment 2, please elaborate further on the resources you will need to have in order to accomplish your project successfully. Please provide detailed information about the staff required for your project, a description of the space and furnishings needed, and specifications for any equipment that may be necessary. If you plan to contract out some task, please describe this here as well.

Staffing. [From last assignment] Everyone who provides services or performs tasks should be identified with the function(s) he/she will perform. This should be described in the implementation plan. This includes the staff, any consultants, volunteers, and even other organizations (if it is a collaborative project).

A job description for the project director should be written. If this individual is already on staff and has other responsibilities, do not include these. Limit the description to the project director role. Job descriptions (pertaining to the project) for other staff should also be developed. If you wish to include performance standards for the job, in addition to the description, it is a plus, but not required.

Note: If you were submitting this proposal for funding you would also include either in an appendix or within the written narrative a resume or short bio of the individuals you are proposing as project director and other key project personnel. Please note the distinction between the description of the job and the qualifications of the individual occupying the job. The individual qualifications are not required for this assignment.

If volunteers are to be used, the role of the volunteer and the process of recruiting, training and supervising should be specified.

Space. The location of the project should be named. The approximate size of the space used for the project should be given plus any required furnishings. Indicate whether the space (or spaces) needed are being provided either by the organization or through arrangement with another organization. If space is not contributed, you will need to specify what kind of rental space you will seek. The same is true of necessary furniture.

In other words, this section should identify whether or not there will be a need to allocate money in the budget for space rental or furniture purchase.

Equipment. Equipment needs should be described. If computers and software are required (and perhaps to be purchased) fairly detailed specifications should be provided (so that a good cost estimate can be provided later). Your project may involve the use of a network, one or more telephones, multimedia equipment, a car or other vehicle, etc. Although book and journal collections are not, technically speaking, equipment, please include a description of these items if they are necessary for your project and will be an expense item in your budget.

Contract Services. The trend seems to be to use more contract services for non-essential activities rather than to employ people to do the work in-house. Contract services may include (but not be limited to) such things as equipment setup and maintenance, janitorial service, legal services, marketing, editorial work, publishing, recruiting, binding, book/journal acquisition, information retrieval, document delivery, etc., etc.

Please identify any contract services you plan to use to accomplish the project. Describe the service in sufficient detail so you will be able to estimate a cost for this service in the budget section.

Write up your resource requirements. Summarize your project requirements for staffing, space and furniture, equipment and collections, and contract services, plus any other resources that are not specifically identified here but will be a cost item for your project. Be sure to include job descriptions and equipment specifications. The length of this assignment will vary depending on the nature of your proposal but should probably be no longer than 3-4 pages at most.

Format. Final copy should be a web document on WebCT, pleasingly formatted. Make sure to include your project title, the section title, the names of all members of your group, and the date of your draft document.

©: Evelyn Daniel, 1998. All rights reserved.
Page revised 2/7/98.