Evelyn Daniel,
Page revised July 4, 2001.



(for 1 unit students with note for 1/2 unit students)

Summer 2001

Assignment Due: July 11.

Preparation. Please read Chapter 10, "Evaluation" and Chapter 11, "Dissemination," in the Miner text. This assignment will be a joy and delight for you as it's short and shouldn't take you long to do. You have already developed two important pieces of information useful for the exercise:

  1. the target group(s) who will benefit from the exercise, and
  2. the objectives that identify what should be measured.
These two sections will be short -- perhaps 1/2 to 1 page for each. More specifics follow.

Evaluation. Go back to the objectives you wrote (Note: Many people use this opportunity to revise their objectives as they focus on how to demonstrate and measure the outcomes of the project). Use the key questions on p. 115 of Miner et al for a general guide.

Describe how you will evaluate each objective and what resources (e.g., staff hours, supplies, perhaps statistical consulting) will be needed for the evaluation. Describe how you will collect evaluative data and identify who will be responsible for collecting, analyzing and reporting the information. If you plan to do any mid-course ("formative") evaluation, describe this and how the results of the mid-course evaluation may change project plans.

Note the distinction between summative and impact evaluation in Miner, et al (p. 115). If possible, indicate a way to assess the impact of the total project. This will necessarily be more speciulative and qualitative in nature, more forward-looking, more global and less specific, but still valuable.

Dissemination. The key questions on dissemination on p. 119 of Miner et al should help guide your writing for this section. You will need to identify your objectives for various kinds of dissemination activities, which target groups you will want to reach. See my notes on Telling the Story for ideas about the potential audiences and what each may be interested in hearing.

Describe the messages and methods you will use to reach your target groups (with a comment about why these methods should work). You will also wish to identify who will be responsible for the dissemination activities.

Note for Folks Taking Course for 1/2 Unit. I am looking forward to receiving your draft needs statement, objectives, and evaluation piece very shortly (also on July 11). If you want to add to the evaluation section based on the suggestions above, you will have a chance to do this in your revision of the entire letter proposal.

The dissemination section will probably be a paragraph or two in your letter proposal. Chapter 5 of Miner et al describes the letter-type proposal.