Evelyn Daniel,
Page revised 6/27/2001.



Criteria for Evaluation

Summer 2001

The seven statements below address all the aspects of the assignment and reflect the criteria that I will use to evaluate and grade the letter assignment. You have the option of applying this criteria to your own work. The same five point scale will be used, where:

1 = Outstanding (beyond my expectations)

2 = Very Good (superior work)

3 = Good (perfectly satisfactory – equivalent to B)

4 = Acceptable but Needs Improvement (will be accompanied by some suggestions for ways to make the next assignment better)

5 = Unsatisfactory (will be returned with request to redo).




The first paragraph contains a brief identification of the project and amount requested. The requesting organization is identified and a brief summary of the anticipated benefits is stated.


The problem to be addressed is identified in sufficient detail to demonstrate the writer's depth of understanding of it.


The solution paragraph appears to be a reasonable way to solve the problem (at least partically) and seems appropriate to the mission of the proposed organization and its clientele.


Specific objectives and the method by which they will be measured and reported are included. The objectives are chosen to show how the broad goal translates to specific promises.


The work plan and time frame are described in adequate detail and appear reasonable in light of the proposed solution.


The funder can feel comfortable that the organization and team put forward are the best possible to accomplish the objectives.


The appended budget includes all necessary expenses, reasonable estimates of time and cost and no extraneous elements.


The project director('s/s') resume(s) is/are included and inspire confidence that he/she/they can manage the proposal and its outcomes successfully.

