Herb White on Corporate Library Funding:

"Our job is to run effective libraries, not cheap ones."


"Organizations do not know how much to spend on support services."


"Users can only judge on the basis of what they already know."


"All libraries are clerical traps. ... We are usually so busy doing things that we do not have time to think about what we are doing."


"Saving money is NOT your job. ...


Avoiding waste of money in information operations IS your job.


Running a productive and effective professional information service IS your job."


"Every professional is entitled to some level of minimum information service."


[Re budget cuts] "Absorption, without impact, is a self-indictment."


"A program budget is a contract -- mutually negotiated. The process of contract renegotiation provides the librarian ... with opportunities."


"Concentrate on what you can do uniquely, and on what you can do better."


"There is no safety in being small, and there’s no safety in being cheap. There is only safety in being unique and in being valuable."


From "The Funding of Corporate Libraries -- Old Myths and New Problems," Special Libraries (Summer 1987) 155-161.