INLS 242:
Goals and Objectives ... Textbooks ... Assignments ... Honor System ... Blackboard and Conduct of the Class |
"Students must be taught to solve problems, think critically, and get along with others. ... quality learning will take place only where classroom teachers and library media specialists collaboratively plan units of work. In a school where reform is really happening, the library will be the most favored and the busiest place in the school."
-- Faye Kimsey-Pharr, Principal, 1999 (quoted in Curriculum Partner)."... almost everything I really need to know about designing a library media program, I have learned from first graders. ...
I learned the importance of putting students in charge of their own learning ...
I also learned the importance of the connection between the classroom and the library ...
I also learned that reading is the foundation of learning ... "
-- Barbara Stripling, 1999.
The overall goal of the course is to prepare you to be a leader in your school's instructional program through collaborative planning with teachers and the integration of technology in the curriculum.Specific Objectives: Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
Articulate the responsibilities of the media specialist’s instructional consultant role to show how collaborative planning between the teacher and media specialist takes place.
Demonstrate knowledge of instructional design and a variety of instructional methodologies.
State some learning characteristics about students for each grade from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Be generally familiar with the NC curriculum requirements as outlined in the Standard Course of Study (SCOS) for each grade and subject and in more detail for either grades K-5, 6-8 or 9-12.
Plan (scope and sequence) a library and information science curriculum for K-5, 6-8 or 9-12 that reflects the information problem-solving process and uses inquiry learning.
Plan ways to integrate information skills instruction into subject learning using a collaborative approach.
Demonstrate appropriate evaluation and assessment technques for school library media services and instructional activities.
Design a reading encouragement program for K-5, 6-8, or 9-12 students.
Generate staff development activitiy plans for classroom teachers and aides.
There are two textboooks for the course as follows:
Turner, Philip M. and Ann Marlow Riedling. Helping Teachers Teach: A School Library Media Specialist's Role. 3rd ed. Libraries Unlimited, 2003. ISBN: 159158020X. (Available from UNC Bookstore; $40 from publisher or from Amazon).Some resource documents that we will use heavily are found on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website ( These are:Information Power; Building Partnerships for Learning. Prepared by the American Association of School Librarians and the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. This is the standard for school library media specialists and is the basis for many of the questions on the PRAXIS test for media specialists. ISBN: 0838934706. (Available from UNC Bookstore and directly from ALA; $35 from Amazon - used copies available as well). We use this manual for both EDUC 241 and 242. For this course, we will be primarily interested in chapter 2, 3, 4 and 7 plus appendices D and E.
IMPACT; Guidelines for Media and Technology Programs. Public Schools of North Carolina, September 2000. This is available at A companion document for administrators focusing on program evaluation and effectiveness is also available there at While you're there, you may want to check out the WiseOwl site ( It has many useful resources for school library media specialist.Another resource of value is Learn NC; the North Carolina Teachers' Network. This website "offers a wide array of quality resources for K-12 classroom instruction and teacher professional development, all tied to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study." Take time to examine this resource.Information Skills Curriculum. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 1999. Available at Grade by grade list of overall objective, focus areas, strands, and competencies expected.
Information Skills Curriculum Integration Strategies. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, March 2001. This is available at Integration stratgies for competency goals for grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 are available through a link from this page. A link from the Integration Strategies page brings you to two pdf files available for downloading (but very large [75 pages for the K-5 document and 46 pages for the 6-8 document]).
North Carolina Standard Course of Study (SCOS) North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, various dates. These are the official state curriculum requirements for all K-12 grades and subjects. They are available at We will use this reference for objectives for all the subjects.
Another website that we will use is national: The Big 6; Information Literacy for the Information Age. Examine the Comparison of Information Skills Process Models found under Research. This will be a good resource to use when developing your own LIS curriculum and scope and sequence plans. While you are on this site, follow the instructions under the Electronic Discussion Group (found under Resources) and subscribe to the Big 6 listserv for at least a month. Check out the archives as well.
For extra credit - Attend a full day's session at a relevant state
and write (and/or present) a brief report.
Incompletes: A grade of incomplete may be taken only because
of illness or special circumstances and only with the permission of the
For your work in this course, remember that information taken from
the work of another must always be attributed and that work that you submit must be
your own (or your team's in the case of group work). In this class,
collaboration, discussion, and the use of assistance from other class
members is encouraged and is not inconsistent with the honor system.
This class will use the course management system, Blackboard. As a registered student in INLS 242, when you enter the Blackboard site
(, you will be prompted for your ONYEN and password (If you do not yet have
one, please make arrangements to get one as quickly as possible -- send me an email if it is a problem) and see a choice for INLS 242:
Curriculum Issues for School Library Media Specialists. I will provide an orientation to navigating the Blackboard site at our first
meeting but you will need to make at least one entry on the "Getting to Know You" forum before that meeting. You are required to check
the Blackboard course site two or three times each week during the duration of the class. Regular postings to the various discussion
fora are required as is reading posted material, notices, and the detailed assignments. In addition, the class will meet face
to face four times during the semester in a workshop format on the following dates:
Email Evelyn Daniel if you have any questions or comments.
"Students who score higher on tests tend to
come from
schools that have more resource staff and more books, periodicals,
and videos and where the instructional role of the teacher-librarian
and involvement in cooperative program planning and teaching is more
-- Lance Curry. The Impact of School Library Media Centers on
Academic Achievement, 1993.
In addition, there will be some ungraded assignments -- some done in class (for example, an overview of learner
characteristics); others will involve postings on the discussion forum following a prompt of some kind. The ungraded
assignments will contribute to the class participation grade. The points for the assignments (100 points in all) are as
Note: For any assignment done as a team, both students will receive the same grade unless there is overwhelming evidence why
it should be otherwise.
"The library media professional has an agenda for developing
information literacy ... That agenda can only be effectively
accomplished when it is integrated into the curriculum. Such
integration requires collaboration between the library media professional
and the teaching staff."
-- Jean Donham. Enhancing Teaching and
Learning." 1998.
-- Diane Oberg, 1999.
Sessions will be held in Room 304 Manning unless I notify you
otherwise. The first
session will be 10 to 4 and will include a school visit and talk with two practicing media specialists. Subsequent sessions
will be on Saturdays from 10 to 2. A more
detailed schedule of activities and assignments will be available on Blackboard. Please use your onyen and password to access the
Last revised December