(Created by Barbara A. Jansen -- from School Library Journal - Aug 1995 )

Jansen keeps a stack of organizers in the library for students to take as needed and also gives out masters so teachers can provide copies when assigning projects.

The organizer is structured so that students complete steps one through five before beginning the assignment and step six before turning it in to their teacher. This version, for grades three through five, allows the student to plan an assignment independently or with parents. Teachers help the students fill in the Task Definition portion so there is no question about the assignment.

Big Six #1: Task Definition

Name: ____________________Teacher: _____________________

Fill out Big Six #1-5 before you begin to work on your assignment. Fill out Big Six #5 before you turn your assignment in to your teacher.

What am I supposed to do?



What information do I need in order to do this?








Big Six #2: Information-Seeking Strategies

What are the possible sources to find this information?





Which ones are best for me to use?



Big Six #3: Location and Access

Where will I find these sources?






Who can help me find what I need?


Big Six #4: Use of Information

How will I record the information that I find?

___ take notes using cards.

___ take notes on notebook paper

___ take notes using a data chart

___ draw pictures

___ talk into a tape recorder

___ other _________________


How will I give credit to my sources?

___ write title, author, page

number on note cards

___ write title, author, page

number on notebook paper

___ write title, author, page

number on data chart



Big Six #5: Synthesis

What product or performance will I make to finish my assignment?







How will I give credit to my sources in my final product or performance?

___ include a written list


___ after the performance, tell

which sources I used

___ other _______________





Big Six #6: Evaluation

How will I know that I have done my best? (All must be checked before assignment is turned in)

___ what I made to finish the assignment is what I was supposed to do

in #1: Task Definition

___ information found in #4: Use of Information matches information

needed in #1

___ I gave credit to my sources (even if I used a textbook)

___ my work is neat

___ my work is complete and includes my name and date