For this assignment, you will install the necessary software to work with Python on your computer. To complete this assignment, complete each of the boxes below. Please note that we will be doing this assignment live in class in our second lecture - no need to get ahead of it.
Download and install Python 3.12.5 from the official Python downloads page. If using Windows, be sure to check the "Add Python 3.12 to PATH" box in the installer.
Download and install Visual Studio Code from the official download page.
Watch the "Getting Started" video on the Visual Studio Code introductory videos page.
Read the Visual Studio Code documentation on extensions.
Install the Python extension. Make sure to install the one certified by Microsoft.
Create a folder on your computer called "CHIP490." This is where we will keep our assignments.
Create a folder in your CHIP490 folder called "Assignment-01".
In Visual Studio Code, open this folder (File > Open Folder...)
Using the (File > New File) option, create a python file called "".
Write the following code: print("Hello World!")
Run the code using the "Run Python" feature (play button in the top right corner)
Upload this file to Canvas.