Over the course of the semester, your team will develop a prototype visual analytics system designed to solve the problem outlined in your chosen proposal. As the semester winds down in early December, your final project deliverables will be due.
There are four distinct deliverables that you must prepare. Three of these are team deliverables, while one is an individual assignment.
The three group deliverables that your project team must complete are as follows:
For more guidance on the final reqort, please see these frequently asked questions:
In addition to the group deliverables listed above, each person must individually submit a team evaluation document. This is an individual assignment and must be written and submitted independently by each person.
The oral presentation and live demonstration will take place during the last regularly scheduled class period of the semester.
Your software prototype, final report, and individual team evaluation documents are all due at the start of the official UNC final exam time for this course. See the class schedule for specific dates and times.
All documents and software should be submitted via the "Assignment 4" assignment in Canvas. Submit PDF versions of all documents. For your presentation, save your slides as a PDF. For all web-based deliverables (your demo system and the report), please submit a PDF document containing URLs to the online versions. In addition, please create a zip file of your software and submit it via Canvas. If this is not practical for any reason, please contact your instructor at least one week in advance of the deadline to discuss alternatives.
As a reminder, an individually authored team evaluation is required from all students. Meanwhile, only one copy of the other deliverables (e.g., report, software) should be submitted for each team.