Storytelling and Community-building


These forms of storytelling are the ones in which libraries can focus programming, to extend their storytelling efforts to teens and adults as well as providing a place for a community to meet and grow.


Read these and plan to post a consideration about them.

  1. Shane Edelmayer, in What Nerd, 07 June 2019
    Why Fanfiction Is Important
    Fanfiction is sometimes viewed as a cheap alternative to published novels. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
  2. Call of Story; An American Renaissance
    Please watch until at least 18:15, but do feel free to continue if you’re enjoying it!
    (Note: The video does discuss the passing of parents, specifically mothers, so if this is something that will upset you do take care of yourself and skip watching)

Discussion questions to ponder for class:

  • Who do you tend to tell stories with? Friends, family, classmates, roommates, online, etc?
    And (if you feel comfortable sharing) what kinds of stories?
    Do you notice any trends about what stories you share with specific people?
  • Do you feel like you see characters that look and act like yourself on (the movie or TV) screen often?
    Are you satisfied with what you see?
    Why or why not?

We did not have an external guest speaker this time

We were joined instead by a classmate who will discuss with us the results of his topical research at North Regional Libary in Raleigh.

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