INLS385-002 Spring 2021


This session will be led by group 02 - Intelligent Tarheels, as we review where we've been. We will then discuss what we will do for the final. We'll also take the time to help the organization by filling out the class evaluation forms.

First, let's think about where we are in the big picture

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Then, let's think about the small scale - who we are and who we want to be

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Review the main points we covered

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Five questions

  1. what other things did we learn about how organizations operate?
  2. what do organizations depend on to be successful and effective? and can they be one without the other?
  3. how can we guage an organization's effectiveness?
  4. how does technology contribute to an organization's effectiveness? what kinds of technology specifically do this?
  5. how can you all contribute to this effectiveness?

One request

Contribute to course effectiveness by filling out your course evaluation forms

As your courses come to a close, SILS is beginning to prepare and improve for the following semester. We ask each one of you to be a part of this process by filling out the UNC/SILS Course Evaluation. Each of you should have gotten an individual email with a link to the evaluations. If you are having trouble accessing the course evaluations there are three alternate ways you can access them:

SILS Teaching Evaluation

The responses to this questionnaire are aggregated and then distributed to the instructor of the course. They are seen by no one else at SILS, and are intended solely for the instructor to improve this particular course or his/her teaching in general. They are intended solely for the instructors to improve this particular course or their teaching in general. In order to serve that purpose, we need to hear from each of you.

There are three ways students can access the evaluations if they are having trouble using the direct link in the email they get:

  1. In Sakai: In the left hand menu on the main landing page, you should see a link to COURSE EVALUATIONS
  2. In Connect Carolina: In your student center you should see a separate section that says COURSE EVALUATIONS
  3. Go to and log in using your onyen and your onyen password. When you log in you should see a list of evaluations you need to complete.

The deadline to complete your course evaluations has been extended until May 7. But the sooner you can complete this small task, the better the task will be completed.

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something to take away

Just for fun - Uptown Funk

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