There are many things one could read, but let's finish today by watching 27+ minutes of a 36 year old conversation about a book published 26 years earlier.
You can decide later if you wish to read more on your own.
organizations are complex systems made up of many individuals and each individual within an organization contributes their identity and decisions to the organization's overall identity and impact
understanding the theoretical bases for organizational culture, structure, and leadership empower individuals to be more effective within an organization and within their professional lives
an organization's culture, structure, and leadership impacts the choices it makes and the kind of organization it tries to be
technology has provided improved tools for organizations to use as they engage with information
information technology professionals are in high demand, but they bear a significant responsibility to behave ethically in their personal and organizational lives
unethical organizational behavior, intentional or inadvertant, carried out by individuals, intentionally or inadvertantly, brings signficant risk to public health and safety
Course evaluations will be handled by a system called Class Climate. Everything - from email reminders to data compilation - will be done through Class Climate. You can expect to see that evaluations will go out during the second to last week of classes. From there Class Climate will handle the rest; it will notify and remind students that they must complete their evaluations. Evaluations will end by the end of finals.
As part of the Class Climate course evaluation process at the end of the semester, SILS has its own additional evaluation questionnaire for its courses. This questionnaire was originally developed by ILSSA. The questions are open-ended and allow you to provide more specific comments about each course. The responses to these questionnaires are aggregated and then distributed to the instructor for the course. They are intended solely for the instructor to improve this particular course or his/her teaching in general. In order to serve that purpose, we need to hear from each of you.
There are three ways students can access the evaluations if they are having trouble using the direct link in the email they get:
Evaluations close soon. If you have any questions, please let me know.
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