INLS385-002 Spring 2020


So how does one think about managing "knowledge" and can it even be done?

Can you even sell knowledge management?

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Ponder this as a method of managing knowledge, at a different level

eyeballing the choices. Marché-des-Enfants-Rouges.Paris Photo courtesy The Guardian
Perhaps most importantly, the new investment in inconspicuous consumption reproduces privilege in a way that previous conspicuous consumption could not. Knowing which New Yorker articles to reference or what small talk to engage in at the local farmers’ market enables and displays the acquisition of cultural capital, thereby providing entry into social networks that, in turn, help to pave the way to elite jobs, key social and professional contacts, and private schools. In short, inconspicuous consumption confers social mobility.

How the new elite signal their status by inconspicuous consumption

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You don't have to read these unless you wish to, but we might touch upon them in conversation

The FloraHolland depot, from The Guardian
  1. Hansen, M. T., Nohria, N., & Tierney, T. (January 01, 1999). What's your strategy for managing knowledge?. Harvard Business Review, 72, 2.)
  2. Bhatt, G. D. (March 21, 2001). Knowledge management in organizations: examining the interaction between technologies, techniques, and people. Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 68-75.

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things we'll talk about

We'll do an in class exercise

in class exercise material

slides for session 04

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something to take away

la voz del sahara

Mariem Hassan and a quote about her in

Widely recognised by critics as the best voice in Western Sahara, Mariem Hassan has unavoidably become the representative voice for her people throughout the world. Her powerfully haunting voice calls-out for the liberalisation of her occupied homeland. Early on in her music career, Mariem joined forces with "Matir el Uali Mustafa Sayed" (better known as "El Uali"). With El Uali she toured other countries to take part in cultural events of high political impact.

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