INLS 700, section 001, Fall 2020
Instructor: Dr. Hemminger
This planned schedule lists the assignments and readings for each of the topics we'll cover. Readings are listed in the order they should be read. Other readings or assignments may be assigned as appropriate.
Thursday |
A0 due |
Introduction to course and each other. Background and history of scholarly communications. Discuss your first Assignment A1. |
Tuesday |
R1a: Fjallbrant 1997 Historical Development and New Possibilities |
How the digital representation of materials has changed
everything. New models of scholarly communications. Challenges
present in old and new models. |
Thursday |
A1 due |
Tuesday 10/13 |
R2a: Panitch2005 Serials Crisis |
Serials Crisis Discussion in depth. How it affects libraries, scholarship, collection development/licensing. A2 assigned. |
Thursday |
R3a: Branin2000
Changing Nature of Collection Development R3b: Suber2012 Open Access |
How libraries manage their content has changed. Cover Open Access in detail. Discuss what's happening at UNC. Discuss Open Access at UNC, and what's happened at other leading institutions ( SPARC OA Guidelines, Harvard-OA-GoodPractices, University of California, Duke). |
Tuesday 10/20 |
R3c: Bohannon2014 R3d: Michael Eisen response R3e: Peter Suber response R3f: Faked Peer Reviews Reading Responses optional. |
Review A2 work, and discuss what we think would be best
policies. Talk about the "Wild West" of online publishing.
Lead into University Presses, library publishing. |
Thursday |
R5a: Tower2012:
Video Introduction to OERs R5b: Mossely2013 OER and Open Education. Read through end of "Commonly Asked Questions". |
Discuss how textbooks are different. Introduce and explain OERs in detail, and history of OERs at UNC and other institutions. Talk about what the potential positives are and what faculty and institutional concerns are. UNC OER Reference materials Executive Summary, Challenges, Evaluation. |
Tuesday 10/27 |
A3 due R6a: Ware 2012 Peer Review R6b: Smith 1998 Problems with Peer Review |
Review A3. Discuss how peer review works, and flaws (draw on my slides). Discuss how T&P works. (slides/?). Discuss it's problems. Discuss possible solutions.discuss Peer Review in detail. |
Thursday |
R8a: Pendelbury
2009 Use and Misue of Journal Metrics R8b: Roemer 2012 From Bibliometrics To Altmetrics |
In depth discussion of evaluation, covering citation metrics, impact factor, through new altmetrics. |
Tuesday 11/3 |
R7a: Bonn2015The
Roots and Branches of Library Publishing Programs. ONLY
the first 16 PAGES R7b: Skinner2014 Library-as-publisher: Capacity building for the library publishing subfield |
Guest Presenter: Katherine Skinner on library publishing. Additional materials on IR and library publishing. Presentation. (2014 Slides, Notes, and Video for reference). |
Thursday 11/5 |
Costs of Publishing Monographs. You can skim the Findings section which is full of details, but make sure
read through everything else. Four short blog posts. Mellon OA project Read them in chronological order (June 2018, April 2019, October 2019, August 2020). Links to the blog posts are in the right column. No reading response for blog posts. Next Generation Library Publishing project. This is RFP for software for part of project; provides a nice summary of project. No reading response required. |
Guest Presenter: John Sherer, director of UNC Press, on challenges faced by University Presses (slides). Talk about how monographs/books are handled differently than journals articles (as well as commonalities). |
Tuesday 11/10 |
A4 due |
Discuss A4 and contrast and compare ways to evaluate
scholarly value. Introduce "public scholarly knowledge", citizen science etc. Talk about new forays into expanding sphere of public knowledge overlapping scholarly knowledge (wikipedia, Encyclopedia of Life, etc.) |
Thursday 11/12 |
A5 due |
Review A5 and what they think are the best (and what they
use). What would be the ideal characteristics of a personal
or university based system for managing scholarly
resources?. Start on role of libraries and in particular Scholarly Communications Officer. |
Tuesday 11/17 |
Reading (from Kevin Smith's blog): Fair Use vs Open Access EU's gift to Libraries MOOCs and student learning Who owns that Journal? You do not have to write responses. Instead please think of 3 thoughtful and provocative questions to pose to our two guests. Write them out in our Reading Response area. | Guest Speakers: SCC directors from UNC (Anne Gilliand) and
NC State (Will Cross). Course Evaluations. |
Tuesday |
Final Project Presentations |
Final Project Presentations |
This page was last modified on August
19th 2015 by
Bradley Hemminger. Address questions and comments about this page to him at
© 2004-present Bradley M. Hemminger