Assignment 1: Hello, World


The "Hello, World" program is traditionally the very first program that people write when first learning a computer programming language. It is an exceptionally simple program, with no purpose other than to display the phrase "Hello, World" when executed. It is intended to expose new programmers to the syntax of a language, to the tools required to author and run a program, and to other elements of the software development environment.

We'll do most of the work for your "Hello, World" program together in class. For this assignment, you'll need to clean up your program and submit it to Sakai using the process required for this course. First, make sure you have completed your version of the program such that (1) it functions properly, (2) it is formatted nicely to make it readable, (3) your Python file adheres to the naming requirements (see below under 'Submission Instructions'). Then, create a zip file with your program and submit it to Sakai. For help creating a zip file for your project, see the submission instructions on our course website.

Hint: If you need to rename a file, follow these simple steps: (1) find the file in the left-side sidebar; (2) select the file and right click to bring up a context menu; (3) select "Refactor" to bring up the corresponding submenu; (4) select "Rename".

Sample Output

An example of the output produced by my solution to this assignment can be found here.

Grading Criteria

This assignment is graded as "Complete/Incomplete" rather than on a point-based scale. As long as you submit the assignment on time and follow the requirements outlined above, you will get full credit. Future assignments, where more work will be required, will be graded on a point-based scale.

Seeking Help

For general questions about Python, please use the class forum on Piazza to seek assistance. For questions that are personal in nature or that would reveal a solution to the assignment, you ask for help by email or during office hours. However, please note that emailed questions will not receive an immediate response. It is likely that it will take 24-48 hours for me to respond.

Submitting Your Solution

Please Note: You must name the main Python file for your assignment "assignment<number>_<onyen>.py". For example, for assignment 3 I would name my file because my onyen is ako.

Using the wrong name for your file will be cost you points on your assignment grade. Please follow this requirement carefully!

Please submit your assignment via Sakai. You should submit a zip file containing your entire project folder. To create the zip file, follow the submission instructions that have been posted at the bottom of the "Other Information" page on our course website.

The due date for this assignment can be found on the course schedule. Please note the "Late Assignments" policy on the course website. It applies to this assignment and will be strictly enforced except under exceptional circumstances. See the course syllabus for details.