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Make it work: The place of the minimum working example (MWE)

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Assigned reading

The third video in the Google series on prototyping deals with native prototyping, or building prototypes using actual code and devices.

We'll watch it together in class, but it is a good idea to have a look at it beforehand as well.

Design critique rules and guidelines

We ran a design critique today. Here are some guidelines and reminders about what to say and do during a crit

9 Rules For Running A Productive Design Critique - Jake Knapp

The Unwritten Rules of a Great Design Critique - Patrick Cox

How to give and receive a good design critique - Kate Lawless and Shannon Crabill

QT Prototyping

For the brave who want to get into QT native prototyping, here are some tools and tutorials for you. Feel encouraged to explore them and try to translate your paper/screen prototype to get it closer to a native environment.

QT Creator Downloads

QT Creator Tutorials

This version of the INLS 718-001 (Spring) syllabus was updated 2017-05-23 01:35:31 -0400. Be aware that the schedule and other elements of the site are subject to continuous update.