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Design lab 2: Charrette (project planning)

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Assigned reading

Please read over (deep skim) the following tutorials under the "Alternative Paths" section here: Basic GNU Radio Usage for Signals

Here are links to the individual tutorials:

  1. Introduction or Introduction to GNU Radio.
  2. Working with GNU Radio Companion (GRC).
  3. PSK Symbol Demodulation.

These will serve as the basis for our prompts in the Charrette.

Charette notes

The Power of the Charrette: How a Group Sketching Session Will Kickstart Your Design Sprint - Kiley Meehan

Charrettes (Design Sketching): ½ Inspiration, ½ Buy-In - Kara Pernice

Today we will actually conduct our own design charettes in groups in class. This will help us to envision the future of our project and allow us to develop steps from the present day to that future.

This version of the INLS 718-001 (Spring) syllabus was updated 2017-05-23 01:35:31 -0400. Be aware that the schedule and other elements of the site are subject to continuous update.