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From data to database

Friday, 15 July 2016

MySQL in Bash scripts

In today's lab you are going to work in your teams to modify your questinonaire scripts to write your data into a MySQL database.

I would suggest looking at the the manual page for the MySQL client to see what you can do on the command line.“mysql(1): MySQL Tool.” Linux Man Page. Accessed July 15, 2016.

You will be expected in class to be looking up other resources as well. If you find something useful, share it with me and I will put links here.

Next week

On Monday we are going to begin talking about presentations and creating good presentation materials in earnest.

I would like you to read/deep skim Edward Tufte's piece on the stupidity of PowerPoint.Tufte, Edward R. The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press, 2011.


I would also like you to view the following video of a talk by Lawrence Lessig. We will look at parts of this in class as well, but it would be good if you could sit down and view the whole thing over the course of the weekend. It exists in four parts linked below.



We will be using reveal.js to create presentations. Please click through this demo presentation and see what is possible to do with it.El Hattab, Hakim. Reveal.js: The HTML5 Presentation Framework. You can also view the source code for the demo presentation. We will look at this together in detail.

Thought leaders and TED Talks

You should also give the following video a watch. It will help put into perspective what is really happening when we watch TED Talks and similar presentations.


From data to database - July 15, 2016 -