INLS 623 Fall 2016 - Database Systems II
Intermediate-level design and implementation of database systems, building on topics studied in INLS 523. Additional topics include MySQL, indexing, XML, and non-text databases.. |
Dr. Carter |
Room: Manning 001 |
Time: Thursday - 5:15 pm - 8:00 pm NOTE: Bring your laptops every Thursday. You will
use them for exercises. |
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Sixth Edition Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S.B., Pearson Addison Wesley. (5th edition is also okay – but chapters are moved around) |
We will be using Piazza for class
discussion and getting help. The system is highly catered to getting you help
fast and efficiently from classmates and myself.
Rather than emailing questions to me, I encourage you to post
your questions on Piazza. If you do not get a response within a day or two on
Piazza, please send mail to But try Piazza first. . Before posing a question, please
check if this question has been asked before. This will reduce post clutter
and reduce our burden. Repeat questions will be ignored by the instructors. Piazza allows anyone to respond. So
if you see a question that you think you can respond to, please do so, as
that will reduce our burden and help you "teach" your fellow
students. This will be a form of class
participation that will be noted when I allocate my fudge points! If you have any problems or feedback
for the developers, email Signup
Link: Class page: |
Unit |
Assignment |
Slides |
Book Chapters |
1 |
Introduction |
Chapter 1 |
2 |
Database Normalization |
Chapter 15 |
1 |
Advanced SQL |
Chapter 5 |
2 |
Database Application Development and Internet Applications |
Chapter 14 |
1 |
Stored Procedures |
1 |
Indexing |
1 |
Transactions |
1 |
Graph Databases |
1 |
Big Data/Data Mining |
PowerPoint 2007 (Big Data)
1 |
Triggers |
Inventory Database | Inventory Managment slides | In class exercise 1 |
Classic Models Database | Classic Models Database Schema | |
Display Orders | ||
In Class Index Assignment |