inls 461
Information Tools

Professor: Serena Fenton
School of Information and Library Science at UNC-Chapel Hill

Operators for Access Queries



You can use the expression builder to help create search strings with correct syntax.



Commonly Used Query Wildcards and Expression Operators
? The question mark is a wildcard that takes the place of a single letter.
* The asterisk is the wildcard that represents a number of characters.
<100 Value less than 100
>=1 Value greater than or equal to 1
<>"VA" Not equal to (all states besides Virginia)
Between 1 and 10 Numbers between 1 and 10
Is Null
Is Not Null
Finds records with no value
or all records that have a value
Like "a*" All words beginning with "a"
>0 And <=10 All numbers greater than 0 and less than 10
"Chapel Hill " Or "Carrboro" Values are Chapel Hill or Carrboro

Examples of Operators used in books2003.mdb


Query: FindNationalGeographic

Like "*geographic*"

The * are wildcards

01 (Like "*rome*" Or Like "*roma*") And Not Like "*romance*" And Not Like "*jerome*" And Not Like "*romantic*"


revised May 31, 2006