Recordkeeping Expectations & Practices

INLS 525: Managing Electronic Records

Week 5 (2/12)

Presenter Notes

The Data Flood

It is not the onset of amnesia that accounts for present difficulties but a more complete recall than any prior generation has ever experienced. Steady recovery, not obliteration, accumulation, rather than loss, have led to the present impasse.

— Eisenstein (1979)

Presenter Notes

Print Flood vs. Digital Flood


As a duplicating machine ... its real power was to make [texts] stable... Print was trustworthy, reliable, and permanent.


All forms of knowledge achieved stability and permanence, not because paper was more durable than papyrus but simply because there were many copies. (pg. 400)


[O]ur digital universe is replete with bits of data that exist but for a moment — enough time for our eyes or ears to ingest the information before the bits evaporate into a nonexistent digital dump.

Presenter Notes

"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham

Presenter Notes

Storage in Exabytes

A Decade of Digital Universe Growth: Storage in Exabytes. 2005 is <0 EB, 2010 is ~ 1000EB, and 2015 is projected to be just < 8000EB

IDC's Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC, June 2011

Presenter Notes

Growth Paradox

The Digital Universe Growth Paradox: Falling Cost and Rising Investment.

IDC's Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC, June 2011

Presenter Notes

Strategies for Coping

When information is cheap, attention becomes expensive. (pg. 410)

One may lose the ability to impose order on the chaos of sensations. The truth seems harder to find amid the multitude of plausible fictions. (pg. 403)



Presenter Notes

Digital Lives: 12 Observations

  1. InfoEthics
  2. Authenticity, Forensics & Emulation
  3. Enhanced Curatorship
  4. Training & Guidelines
  5. iCuration
  6. Collaboration & Integration
  7. Participation & Advanced Cataloguing
  8. From Lifetracking to Personalised Usability
  9. Archival PIM & Archives in the Wild
  10. Adaptive Curation & Management
  11. Evolutionary dynamics & complex networks
  12. Advocacy

Presenter Notes

"Manuscript" Materials

  • How do we define "manuscript" materials?
  • What is the difference between Personal Digital Archiving & Manuscript Materials?

Presenter Notes


"It's basically like giving someone the keys to your house,"
— Kirschenbaum

Presenter Notes

PDA Institutional Responsibilities

  1. Garnering selections of personal archives
  2. Providing enhanced security and access for the most culturally and scientifically valuable personal archives
  3. Guardians of the authenticity of the originals including digital objects in the wild
  4. Providing services that strengthen and assist the effectiveness of archives in the wild
  5. Developing an expertise in the content of archives in the wild as well as the repositories own holdings.

Presenter Notes

Personal Recordkeeping & E-Manuscripts

  • What are the challenges?
  • What are the opportunities?

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Institutional Recordkeeping

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Business Records


  • Journey to the Cloud
  • Big Value from Big Data
  • Trust in the Digital Universe (Privacy only, Compliance driven, Custodial, confidential, lockdown.)

Presenter Notes

Call to Action


  • New tools for creating metadata
  • Virtualization
  • Move to the Cloud (it's inevitable)
  • Big Data projects w/ bang & new data strategies
  • Up-to-date security
  • Advanced storage management tools


  • Stragegy for shared resources -> virtualization -> cloud
  • Analytical and managerial skill sets + mindsets for big data
  • Data-driven organization
  • Press suppliers and partners to help

Presenter Notes

Government Records


  • Huge volumes of electronic information are being created
  • Electronic records are complex
  • Identification and classification of electronic records are difficult in a decentralized computing environment.

Automation will not solve the problem of lack of priority, which is of long standing.

Presenter Notes

Institutional Recordkeeping

  • What are the simularities between Business & Government records?
  • What are the differences?
  • What are the challenges?
  • What are the opportunities?

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Documenting Humanity

  • Who is responsible for it?
  • The article specifically addresses the relationship between social change and social media. Where else can we find records that "document humanity"?

Presenter Notes