Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) - (IETF RFC 3507) lightweight protocol for executing a remote procedure call on HTTP messages, Jeremy Elson and Alberto Cerpa, April 2003
Internet Protocol (IP) - (IETF RFC 791) protocol by which packets of data are sent from one computer to another over the Internet, Jon Postel, September 1981
JXTA - Sun Microsystems - set of open-source peer-to-peer networking protocols for connecting devices such as workstations, servers, cell phones and PDAs
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - responsible for ensuring that a message is divided into the packets that IP manages and for reassembling the packets back into the complete message at the receiving end
Web Distributed Data Exchange (OpenWDDX) - an XML-based standard that facilitates complex-data exchange between Web programming languages such as ColdFusion, Perl, ASP, Java, JavaScript and PHP
Web Services Architecture Usage Scenarios - (W3C Working Draft as of 2002-08-08) collection of usage scenarios and use cases which illustrate the use of Web services, and which are used to generate requirements for the Web services architecture, as well as to evaluate existing technologies