Center for Internet Security - manages a consensus process whereby members identify security threats of greatest concern, then participate in development of practical methods to reduce the threats
Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC) - handles security incidents for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) but also provides awareness, training, and education; trend, threat, vulnerability data collection and analysis; and technology watch
Computer Security Institute - membership organization serving and training the information, computer and network security professional
Data-protection discussion list - to encourage an exchange of information for those with responsibilities for Data Protection within their organization and to encourage questions and answers from any other interested people
Enabling the Archival Storage of Signed Documents - proposes KASTS (Key Arvhical Service and Time Stamping), an extension of traditional archival storage systems that enables the long-term storage of signed documents, Petros Maniatis and Mary Baker, Proceedings of the USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, January 2002
Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) - administrative component of the National Archives and Records Administration, while receiving its policy and program guidance from the National Security Council, ISOO is responsible to the President for policy oversight of the Government-wide security classification system and the National Industrial Security Program
Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI): Authenticity - resources related to authenticity, defined as "degree of confidence a user can have that the object is the same as that expected based on a prior reference or that it is what it purports to be"
SESAM: Philosophy and Rules Concerning Electronic Archives and Authenticity - (avialable through the Internet Archive) Sweden's largest pharmaceutical firm, ASTRA investigated methods for dealing with electronic laboratory notebooks, resulting in the development of IT guidelines for electronically stored information, Ulf Andersson, 28 February 1996
Trusted Computing Group (TCG) - collaboration of platform, software and technology vendors to develop a specification that delivers an enhanced hardware and operating system based trusted computing platform that enhances customers' trusted domains