Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program - National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - researching and addressing fundamental questions in computer science, engineering, and archival theory; elaborating the archival business model that should be implemented in an ERA system; further articulating the information management architecture that needs to be put into place; and determining what the specific components of the system will be, 1999-Present
Electronic Records Research Agenda - providing input into the NHPRC planning process, attempting to improve the electronic records grant program in order to improve electronic records management in the nation, investigating ways to enable archivists to use information technology in more sophisticated and effective ways, and promoting more effective electronic records grants and projects, 2002-2003
Electronic Records Training and Awareness Project - two-year project funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to the South Carolina Department of Archives and History to conduct an electronic records training and awareness project
e-TERM - European Union - project to develop a European programme for training in electronic records management, 1999-Present
Evidence Based Governance in the Electronic Age - five-year project initiated by the World Bank in partnership with the International Records Management Trust (IRMT) to coordinate a global network of institutions to address the failure of records systems, particularly in electronic environments, to provide complete and trustworthy information, with the ultimate aim of mainstreaming records management as a cornerstone of the global development agenda
Instructional Management Systems (IMS) - global coalition of academic, commercial and government organizations to define an Internet architecture for learning