Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work (CREW) - research unit within the University of Michigan School of Information that focuses on the design of new organizations and the technologies of voice, data, and video communication that make them possible
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine - ran issues from May 1994 to January 1999, reporting about people, events, technology, public policy, culture, practices, study, and applications related to human communication and interaction in online environments
Groupware - Usability First - general overview and numerous links related to groupware, computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), and associated design and usability issues
Reproduced and emergent genres of communication on the World-Wide Web - identifies the following genres for Web pages: book, FAQ, meeting minutes, box scores, script, hotlist, home page, Web server statistics, letter column, newsletter, Kevin Crowston and Mary Williams, March 1998
Jon May and Philip Barnard, "A modest experiment in the usefulness of electronic archives," Behaviour & Information Technology 15 (1996): 193-201