Assignment #3: Write SQL code for the queries given below (in Access or other DB). Show your query and the results. Worth a maximum of 95 points.

Extra Credit: 10 points. Dump your access database out (5 points) and input into another database (5 pts). You can team up with another classmate to do this. For your result show the data in a different database.

Output should be printout. I may need access to your Access database to grade it, so please keep this available.

1. make a sorted list of unigenes for species X. (Note whenever you see something "X", this means you need to make your query prompt for the value of that something, in this case of species).
2. find all unigenes in family X (i.e. prompt for family_id).
3. list go term, peptide sequence, species name and latin species name, and phtyome ID for a specific unigene.
4. make a sorted list of the count of the unigenes for each species.
5. list goID and unigene name of unigenes with GO terms containing the phrase "binding".