

Daniel D. Barron and Thomas B. Hubbard



            This chapter contains reports and summaries of the data on curriculum as reported by the responding schools for the 2000-2001 academic year.


            For those schools on the quarter system, the notation "qt" will be used. Some schools have indicated that "units" or "courses" are used instead of a specific number of hours of credit as guidelines for degree requirements. In such cases these units are indicated as the respondents reported them. Following each table will be listed descriptive information that does not lend itself to the general reporting pattern of the table but is important to the interpretation of the question asked.


            A total of 56 schools with American Library Association accredited master’s degree programs reported this year.  All of the questionnaires received were usable; however, as has been the case each year, respondents, in some instances did not complete each item; therefore, the totals in all tables may not always add up to 56.



Program Structure


                Following the practice of the past few years, Tables IV-1 to IV-29 dealing with various structural elements are not included in the printed version of the Report.  They may be found in the web version. Some comments about and highlights from these tables appear below.


  • Academic Year.  Most schools (53) are organized on a semester or trimester basis with semester length ranging from 13-17 weeks.  Three schools (Drexel, UCLA, and Washington) employ a quarter system of 10 weeks per quarter.  See Table III-1 (Type of Academic Division) and Table III-2   (Number of Weeks Per Term by School).


  • Undergraduate Degree.  Thirteen schools (up from eleven last year) offer an undergraduate major in library and/or information science.  Fifteen (up from thirteen last year) offer an undergraduate minor.  The hourly requirements are reported in Table III-3 (Undergraduate Major Degree Academic Hour Requirements) and Table III-4 (Undergraduate Minor Degree Academic Hour Requirements.


  • Master’s Degree.  The number of academic semester credit hours or equipment required for a Master’s degree varies from 32 to 56 with the majority of schools (3) requiring 36 credit hours.  See Table III-5 (Master’s Degree Academic Credit Hour Requirements).


·         Post-Master’s Programs.  A variety of labels are offered for the program that immediately follows the master's (e.g., Sixth Year, Specialist, Advanced Studies).  Some schools indicate that a certificate, not a degree, is awarded, while others report that the certificate is a degree.  For convenience, all these programs are called "post master's" in this report.  Twenty-eight schools offer such a program.  See Table III-6 (Post-Master’s Degree Academic Credit Hour Requirements).  Additional information appears in the section below entitled, "Certificate Programs."


·         Doctoral Programs.  Twenty-eight schools (up from twenty-six last year) offer a doctoral degree program.  Semester credit hour or equivalent requirements vary from 24 to 90 hours.  Some of the differences are explained by the number of dissertation credit hours required.  See Table III-7 (Doctoral Degree Academic Year Requirements).


·         Comparison of Degree Requirements.  See Table III-8 (summary of Degree Hour Requirements by School) for a summary of all of the degree requirements for degree programs as reported by the respondents.


·         Certificate Programs.  Forty-three schools report one or more certificate programs.  Many times the certificate program is an optional part of the master’s degree program (e.g., school library).  Two schools (Toronto and Washington) offer a substantial number of non-degree certificates on topics like Internet business and technology, genealogy, records management, e-business, XML standards, and the like. 


  • Joint Programs.  Thirty-two schools report offering 89 joint degree programs compared to 27 schools offering 78 joint programs last year.  In some instances joint degree programs have been developed between separate institutions as well as within the parent institution of the LIS program.  The most common joint degree is with history (14 instances) followed by law (11 instances).  Business was identified nine times, English seven times and Music six times.  See Table III-10 (Joint Degree Program Academic Hour Requirements).


·         Program Length.  Maximum and minimum times to complete degree programs vary widely.  The minimum time ranges from 8 to 24 months for the master’s degree, from 2 to 13 ½ months for the post-master’s and from 15 to 48 months for the doctoral degree.  Maximum times range from 3 to 10 year for the master’s degree, from 1 ½ to 7 years for the post-master’s and from 5 to 10 years for the doctorate.  See Table III-11 (Minimum time for Completion of Degree Programs), Table III-12 (Maximum time for Completion of Degree Program), Table III-13 (Minimum and Maximum Times for Completion of Degree Programs by School).


·         Residency Requirements.  Thirty schools report some residency requirements for the master’s degree ranging from 9 to 48 hours.  Twelve schools report a residency requirement for the post-master’s degree and 25 schools require residency for the doctorate.  See Table III-15 (Residency Requirements for All Degree Programs by School).


·         Required Course Work.  Requirements range from 6 to 39 semester hours or equivalent for the master’s degree with the average being 19 hours.  The average number of hourly requirements for the post-master’s is five and for the doctoral programs 22 hours.

·         Exemption of Required Courses.  Most schools provide opportunity to exempt courses at the master’s level; few offer the option for the post-master’s or doctoral programs.  The usual method is evidence of a similar course taken elsewhere.  Some programs (17) allow the exempted courses to count toward the master’s degree; one allows credit toward the post-master’s and four toward the doctorate.  More frequently, schools do not provide credit for exempted courses.  See Table III-18 (Exemption of Required Courses by Degree Program), Table III-19 (Methods of Exempting Required courses), Table III-20 (Credit Gained through exemption of Required Courses), Table III-21 (Number of Hours that may be Exempted).


·         Transfer of Credit Hours.  Most schools (30) allow six credit hours to transfer toward the master’s degree; fourteen allow nine hours to transfer.   Twelve school accept courses for credit from  non-ALA accredited programs.  See Table III-22 (Credit Hours that may be Transferred into Programs) and Table III-23 (Acceptance of Credit from Non-ALA Accredited Programs).


·         Thesis Requirements.  Thirty-four schools offer a thesis option for the master’s degree; six schools require a thesis.  Most of these schools offer from 3-6 semester hours credit for the thesis.  See Table III-24 (Thesis Requirement by Degree Programs) and Table III-25 (Hours Required for Thesis).

·         Field Work.  Fifteen schools (up from eleven last year) require field work for credit; forty-two schools offer it as an option for the master’s degree.  Thirteen schools offer field work as an option for post-master’s work and one requires it.  Five schools offer field work as an option at the doctoral level.  When the field work option is available, it is commonly awarded three semester hours of credit.  See Table III-26 (Number of Schools Offering Field Work for Credit) and Table III-27 (Number of Hours Given for Field Work).


·         Graduation Requirements.   Twenty-six schools require comprehensives for graduation with a master’s degree.  Other requirements named were foreign language experience, computer proficiency, a capstone course, a portfolio, a master’s project , and a “culminating experience.”  See Table III-28 -- Special Requirements for Graduation).


·         Program Prerequisites.  Fifty-three schools require a standardized test like the Graduate Record Exam; all require grade point averages.  The TOEFL test is usually required for international students.  See Table III-29 – Prerequisites for Entering the Program).




Distance Education


            Respondents were asked to list each course title and section number for courses offered away from the main/home campus from Fall 2000 through Summer 2001.  They were asked to indicate whether each offering was required for the degree program, if it was offered by regular faculty or adjunct staff, and the method of course delivery such as on-site/off-campus or some form of telecommunications.  The data for these responses is contained in Tables III-30 and III-30a.

Seventy-seven of the responding schools offered one or more courses away from the home campus in 2000-2001. This year forty-three schools reported a total of 1,014 courses taught as distance education (up from 522 courses last year).  The range is from one to 79 courses and the average is 24 courses per school (up from 12 courses per school last year).


            Thirty-seven schools indicated the use of telecommunications to deliver some courses as compared to 35 schools for 1999-2000.


            Twenty-two schools indicated they were expecting to change their distance education programs.  These changes include:


·         British Columbia- LIBR510 now available on the Internet; LIBR500 pending development of distance education version

·         Buffalo- Video course nexus moved from Elmira (5 hrs away) to Rochester (1½ hrs away); Introduction of hybrid Internet/classroom courses

·         Catholic-Continue to develop and evaluate Internet courses

·         Clarion- Offer more Internet courses

·         Clark Atlanta- Currently offers Web-enhanced courses, plans to add Web CT courses in 2002

·         Dominican- Plans to add sites using video conferencing with on-site faculty

·         Emporia- Begin program in North Dakota in Fall 2002

·         Florida State expects to integrate with the University online learning interface and continue to add Internet courses.

·         Illinois- Continued addition of Internet courses and use of emerging technologies

·         Indiana- Some increase in the number of courses likely.

·         Kent State- Begin planning distributed learning program for SLMS

·         Kentucky- More courses via Internet and video conferencing

·         NC-Greensboro will have a distance education policy as part of long-range plan.

·         Pittsburgh- Expand course offerings; Include second cohort of students

·         Queens --Plans to increase offerings.

·         Rhode Island  - Plans to increase the number of off-campus and Internet courses.

·         St. Johns- Considering feasibility of expanding hybrid-type delivery

·         San Jose- Expand classes in a variety of technologies

·         South Carolina- Second West Virginia cohort ends December 2001

·         Southern Mississippi- More online courses in conjunction with Online MLIS

·         Texas Woman’s- More hybrid courses combining Internet with face-to face

·         Washington- Planning Distance MLIS for Fall 2002

·         Western Ontario - Plans limited access to some courses by distance.


     For all schools that reported offering courses away from the home campus, faculty were compensated for teaching these courses within their regular teaching load.  Eleven schools also reported other forms of compensation as listed below:

·         Clarion faculty receive additional cash incentives or professional development funds.

·         Drexel- Faculty are given the option to teach off campus and are compensated separately.

·         Illinois offers a reduced course-load while faculty develop a course and during the first term the course is taught.

·         Kentucky, Missouri, NC-Central- Faculty are paid on overload basis.

·         Long Island- Travel expenses and a stipend.

·         Oklahoma- Compensated separately for summer courses.

·         South Carolina- Extra compensation on a per student basis for WV, GA, and ME.

·         Southern Connecticut- Additional salary if taught in summer.

·         Southern Mississippi- Through separate budgets for Continuing Education, Gulf Park Campus.



Individual Course Offerings


            Respondents were asked to indicate the number of courses each school lists in its catalog and what percentage of those courses were taught during 2000‑2001. Table III-32 presents that data.    

Regular and Adjunct Faculty


            Respondents were asked to indicate the number of required and elective courses taught by regular and adjunct faculty on the home campus of their school. Table III-33contains a summary of those responses. Regular, full‑time faculty taught 73% of the required courses and 64% of the elective courses. Adjunct faculty taught 25% of the required courses and 33% of the elective courses. Other faculty accounted for 3% of the required courses and 2% of the elective courses offered.


·         Dominican used Emeritus for 2 electives.

·         Illinois had advanced doctoral students, staff, and emeritus teach 9 required and 31 elective courses.

·         Iowa had visiting faculty teach 5 elective courses.

·         Michigan uses one Affiliate to teach 1 elective.

·         Montreal had lecturers teach 1 required and 10 elective classes.

·         NC Chapel Hill had 16 required and 3 elective courses taught by Ph.D. students. 

·         Western Ontario had 5 required and 6 elective courses taught by Ph.D. students.



Faculty Teaching Load


Respondents were asked what was the regular teaching load for faculty during the academic year, the summer load, and the maximum number of hours a faculty person might be able to teach as an overload. Table III-34 contains a summary of these data.


Courses Cross-Listed with Other Academic Units


            Respondents were asked to list courses that were cross-listed with other units in their respective institutions and to indicate which unit had the major teaching responsibility for the individual courses. Table III-35 contains the data related to the courses for which the Library and Information Science unit had the major teaching responsibility. Table III-36 contains the data related to the courses for which another unit in the institution had the major teaching responsibility.


Curriculum Committees


Respondents were asked to describe the composition of their standing committees on curriculum. Tables III-37 and III-38 present the data related to these responses.  Several schools specified staff and others as committee members. Titles of additional members, where provided, are noted beneath Table III-37.


·         Arizona- Program Manager

·         British Columbia- Graduate Secretary

·         Cal-Los Angeles- Student Affairs Officer

·         Dalhousie- Graduate Coordinator, ex officio Director, Student Association Co-chair

·         Indiana- Director of Admissions and Placement

·         Iowa- Faculty serves as committee of the whole

·         Kent- Academic Program Coordinator

·         Long Island- Assistant Dean

·         McGill- Professional Associate and Sessional Lecturers

·         NC Central- Librarian and Computer Director

·         San Jose- Library representative

·         Simmons- Assistant Dean, Director of Admissions, area employers

·         Texas- Assistant Dean, Scheduling Coordinator

·         Toronto- Registrar, Faculty Librarian

·         Washington- Senior Administrator


Curriculum Changes


            Respondents were asked to indicate the nature of reviews or revisions of their curricula during the past year. Table III-39 contains a summary of those responses listing specific courses added or dropped and courses offered on an experimental basis. Following the tables are other changes as indicated by the individual schools.



Other Changes to Curricula


·         Alabama started a 21-hour undergraduate minor in Information Science in Fall 2000; had a total program review of the MFA program conducted by a consultant; began the review of off-campus courses; discontinued the Educational Specialist in Library and Information Studies degree.

·         Alberta reviewed the core requirements in the technology area; moved the required management course to third term from second.

·         Arizona reviewed the MA program with particular attention paid to core requirements; added requirement of management course and information evaluation course.

·         British Columbia added PhD’s in Archival Studies, Library and Information Studies; added MA/MED in Teacher Librarianship.

  • California-Los Angeles reviewed and revised the MLIS required courses and course scheduling; reviewed and revised the PhD program including increasing the areas of specialization from three to six and replacing the written qualifying exam with a juried publishable paper requirement.

·         Catholic reviewed the core curriculum.

·         Clarion reviewed the MSLS program and revised management courses for specific areas.

·         Dalhousie approved an MLIS/MBA and an MLIS/MPA degree; reviewed one core course and one elective; approved new course syllabi for four courses; changed two electives from experimental to regular status.

·         Dominican reviewed the Law Librarianship and Health Sciences curricula; revised the administration course requirement; revised computer competencies for new students.

·         Drexel added a graduate level Instructional Technology Specialist Certification program in collaboration with the School of Education.

·         Emporia added a Bachelor of Information Resource Studies degree in Fall, 2000, and an undergraduate Library Services Certificate program in Summer 2001.  A review of the MLS is still in progress.

·         Florida State agreed to offer a joint MS in Information Studies and JD with the College of Law.

·         Illinois added a combined MS in LIS/K-12 Media Specialist Certification Program.

  • Kent State added an MS in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management, an interdisciplinary degree with five other schools and departments; reviewed and is revising the Culminating Experience.
  • Kentucky completed a total curriculum review of the master’s programs.
  • Long Island reviewed core and school media specialty requirements.
  • McGill added a 15 hour Graduate Certificate in Library and Information Studies; reviewed MLIS electives.
  • Michigan added a dual degree in MSI and Nursing.
  • Missouri reviewed and revised the Master’s in Educational Technology degree by splitting it into three tracks: Technology in Schools, Network Learning Systems, Training and Development.
  • NC Chapel Hill reviewed and revised one core course, Human Information Interactions.
  • NC Greensboro reviewed research analysis/research skills integration, 605 technology series, materials courses, library services, management courses.
  • North Texas added a Graduate Academic Certificate in Youth Services in Libraries and Information Settings.
  • Oklahoma added a BA in Information Studies.
  • Pittsburgh added a FastTrack MLIS; reviewed the MLIS management component; reviewed information technology requirements, course content and implemented changes in Fall 2001. 
  • Pratt reviewed the core curriculum and the Library Media Specialist program.
  • Puerto Rico has new programs including Post Bachelor’s Certificates in School Librarian, Electronic Services Analyst Specialist, Archives and Records Manager; Post Master’s Certificates in Library Administrator, Information Consultant, Legal Information Specialist.
  • Queens reviewed and revised the School Media Specialist curriculum to conform to new NY State requirements.  Changes included inclusion of collaborative aspects of teaching with emphasis on information literacy and also additional field work.
  • St. John’s revised the SLMS program to meet the new NY State requirements.
  • San Jose reviewed all electives for the MLIS and all tracks, making some changes while others remain under development.
  • Simmons is reviewing the required core curriculum.
  • South Carolina is reviewing their curriculum and considering changes in the core requirements.
  • Southern Connecticut added a sixth-year concentration in Art of the Oral Tradition.
  • Southern Mississippi is reviewing the master’s program; has changed the master’s project requirement from two to three hours; has reviewed and revised the SLMS courses and endorsement.
  • Syracuse revised the IRM and MLS core requirements; changed the IRM program name from Information Resources Management to Information Management.  
  • Tennessee reviewed and revised the required course sequencing.
  • Texas did a total curriculum review of the MLIS.
  • Texas Woman’s reviewed the MLS for SACS accreditation.
  • Washington reviewed and revised the MLIS degree; added a BS in Informatics and a PhD in Information Science.
  • Wayne State reviewed and revised the elective courses.
  • Western Ontario reviewed all areas of its curriculum.

·         Wisconsin-Madison has completed review and revision of the core curriculum.


            Respondents were asked to indicate the nature of curriculum changes under serious/active consideration within their schools. Table III-41 contains a summary of those responses.  Following the table are the specific changes being considered.


  • Alberta- Review and revise PhD requirements and procedures
  • British Columbia- Add joint MLIS/MBA and MLIS/Museum Studies
  • Buffalo- Change core requirements; change electives to meet NY State School Media Specialist certification requirements; add joint master’s degrees with Music and Law.
  • California-Los Angeles- Add more core courses and new areas of specialization
  • Catholic- Additional courses in digital collection
  • Clark- Consider whether or not Multicultural Librarianship is a bibliography class or if it should be combined with Ethnic Materials for Children and Young Adults
  • Dominican- Develop the Archives concentration with a doctoral program and selected undergraduate courses; add master’s in Knowledge Management with the Graduate School of Business
  • Drexel- Create a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction in the MSIS program
  • Emporia- Change core requirements; add Master of  Legal Information Management, Master of Knowledge Management.
  • Florida State- Revise core course set for master’s and bachelor’s degrees
  • Illinois- Consider professional development sequences
  • Iowa- add MS in Information Science
  • Kent State- Continue to examine master’s research paper as culminating experience; examine role of distributed education, especially in providing education for School Library Media certification; review practicum to ensure rigor
  • Long Island- Change core requirements; add joint Master’s in Management; create Business Information specialization
  • Louisiana- Add joint master’s with Spanish
  • Maryland- Add master’s in Information Studies
  • McGill- Change core requirements; add PhD program
  • Michigan- Add joint E-Commerce degree with Business and Engineering; add dual degree with School of Social Work
  • Missouri- Add 6th year or post-master’s program
  • NC Chapel Hill- Add undergraduate major in information science
  • NC Greensboro- Change core requirements; add PhD program
  • Oklahoma- Add MS in Knowledge Management
  • Pittsburg- Add Master of Archives and Records Studies degree
  • Pratt- Change core requirements; add electives or experimental courses
  • Puerto Rico- Offer Web courses for School Librarian Certificate and some MIS 
  • Queens- Add PhD program; create 12 hour certificate programs
  • Rhode Island- Add post-baccalaureate certificate in Information Resources Management
  • San Jose- Add PhD program; develop online sections of electives
  • Simmons- Change core requirements; review Doctor of Arts program
  • South Carolina- Change core requirements; consider certificate program in Preservation
  • South Florida- Add 6th year or post-master’s program
  • Southern Mississippi- Require information literacy course for undergrad major and proposed minor; introduce undergrad minor in information resources; delete obsolete courses; update course titles to reflect content
  • Texas- Change core requirements; change length of master’s from 36 to 40 hours
  • Texas Woman’s- Add master’s in Children’s Literature; deliver hybrid/Internet curriculum
  • Toronto- Add joint MIS/JD
  • Washington- Offer distance MLIS; add joint master’s with School of Public Policy and International Relations
  • Wayne State- Add PhD program; change length of master’s from 36 to 39 hours
  • Western Ontario- Add MA in Media Studies
  • Wisconsin- Madison- Add undergrad courses
  • Wisconsin- Milwaukee- Add Master’s of Archival Studies, Master’s of Information Resources Administration