INLS 235
Term Project
Spring, 2004

The term project should make a substantial contribution to an existing or planned digital library. The contribution can be related to technical (e.g., tools), content (e.g., adding/organizing materials), services (e.g., interfaces), or community (e.g., policy guidelines). You are strongly encouraged to work in small groups (2-3) on the term project. The product should be made available on our class website and include a written summary that entails:
Project purpose
Brief background for the DL
Description of how you accomplished your product
Assessment of strengths and weaknesses
Suggestions for continued work

All projects must be approved by the instructor and will be discussed in class at several stages:
A brainstorming session January 21
A formal commitment by Feb 4
A progress update Feb 25
A final presentation April 21

Several possible projects will be discussed in class, including working in the IDL on Open Video Project (, ibiblio (, and others.