INLS 235

Day 12



Odum institute talk April 14: DL impact on ref & instruction

Project updates: schedule presentations


1.  One minute papers

Big point

No simple metrics for DL success

Need a hybrid approach to DL evaluation



How to present yourself as an evaluator?  [have examples of evaluations you have done]

What qualitative methods for showing DL impact? [consider testimonials]

Examples from Perseus evaluation?

How will sociological impact be measured?

Impact of tlogs on decision making? (over use/abuse?)

How to motivate feedback from users?

Do funding agencies have sustainability clauses/conditions? [LC]  what about evaluation conditions?

Are there DLs that don’t need grants?  That run on cost recovery?

Are there longitudinal evaluations and how do the impacts change?

Is it better to do narrow, high-quality DLs or broad, general ones?


2. DL Eval continued  and DL trends

            Perseus:  controlled studies



                        Usage, linkages


3. DL presentations

David Knight   Experience Music Project

Crystal Edwards

Cathleen Keyser  Digital Collections Program (at McGill University)

Meg McGinn  New York Public Library


4. One-minute paper

      What was the main point you learned in class today?

What is the main, unanswered question you leave class with today?