Repository of Assigned Search Tasks (RepAST)

This repository provides access to research and conceptual papers related to the search tasks that are assigned in studies of interactive information retrieval. Its development is ongoing; new papers are being added as they are identified. In addition to the citation of the paper, the data include the names and definitions of the types of tasks assigned, the actual text of those tasks, and additional information about the study performed with those tasks (e.g., the study sample, the domain of the tasks, and the database searched). All information in the repository was taken directly from the original papers; no additional analysis of the tasks is included in the repository itself.

General search

ex. complex task (complex OR task);  +complex +task (complex AND task);  +complex -task (complex NOT task);
      "complex task" (the phrase, complex task); complex* (words beginning with complex, e.g., complex, complexity, etc.)

Field search

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