Thomasville Library

Thomasville Library

14 Randolph Street

Thomasville, NC 27360

Directions to the Library  [ Yahoo! Maps ]

Phone: (336)474-2690 Fax: (336)472-4690

Sarah Hudson, Asst. Director of Libraries, Thomasville Librarian, 
Janet Malliett,, Librarian 2, 
The Thomasville Library offers  public access computers: in the Children's Department and  in the Adult Department. The library offers over one hundred different software programs on these computers. Additionally, the library has computers with Internet access.
The library hours are:
Mon. - Thurs. 9:00-8:00
Fri. - 9:00-5:30
Sat. - 9:30-3:00

The library is closed Sundays and announced holidays.

Thomasville Teen Summer Reading Fun 2008 Thomasville 150 Logo for the Library
Thomasville 150th- A Celebration for Everybody

Police Visit the Library

Vet Visits the Library

Firemen Visit the Library and Human Society visits

Summer Reading Club Kick-Off

Copley Ruth Ann Copley's Handy Dandy Bookmarks

Thomasville Library

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