THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA is a thriving little city of five thousand people situated on the Southern Railway between High Point and Lexington.

John W. Thomas, the grandfather of the druggist, Mr. Charles Thomas, built the first house in 1852, thus founding the town of Thomasville. When the North Carolina Railroad came through, there were hundreds and hundreds of acres of forest land with hardly a cleared field.

Mr. Thomas died about leaving a large family who sold off lots from this immense section. People began to come in and build, but the growth of the new village was slow, for by 1880 there were only about three hundred people. In 1900 there were 752.

The first, activity to awaken the town was the organization in 1895 of the Thomasville Manufacturing Company by A. E. Clement who came from Vermont, and F. S. Lambeth. This factory was situated on the site where the Thomasville Furniture Co., is now owned and run.

In January 1898 Mr. F. S. Lambeth withdrew and started the ThomasviIle Chair Company. From that time growth and progress have marked the town.

From 752 people in 1900, the census of 1910 shows 3, 800, a growth. surpassed in North Carolina by only one town; Rocky Mount, with its Railroad shops being the only town to show a larger increase in population.

This remarkable growth is due to the manufacture of chairs and to other enterprises. There are now about fifteen wood working plants, two cotton mills, and numerous other industrial and commercial establishments.

Forty years ago chairs were made in Thomasville by D. S. Westmoreland, and from an unimportant and almost ignored industry has sprung the mighty business which has earned. for Thomasville the name of "The Chair Town of the South." When the factories here are all running they make 6000 chairs per day:

During the development and growth of the factories John Lambeth was mayor, but not only were the mayor and the citizens looking after the industrial growth of the town, but interests of an intellectual nature were not neglected, for during this period in 1902 bonds were issued and the first graded school was built.

While the building was being erected, Prof. J. T. Henry was superintendent. Prof . Hauss followed him and has ever since held this responsible position to the satisfaction of the patrons of the school.

Not only has Thomasville this modern, well equipped and well-manned town school but there is a branch school for the overflow of pupils in the Amazon Cotton Mill section.

Ask any citizen of Thomasville what is the town's best advertisement, and he will without exception, answer "The Orphanage." This