institution is not only the pride of the Baptist denomination in North Carolina, whose institution it is, but it is the pride of every citizen of Thomasville regardless of church affiliation. The Orphanage is helped by the town, the town by the Orphanage. Beautifully situated on the southwestern side of Thomasville in a grove of majestic trees, it is a place of loveliness that is the cynosure of even the passing eye as the daily trains pass through this hustling Piedmont- town. This Orphanage is a fine, well managed institution, the largest in the South.

In 1910 while W. 0. Burgin was mayor, he with a Progressive board had the nerve and backbone to put in a first class system of water works and sewerage. Most of the factories have equipped themselves with fire sprinkling apparatus.

The Thomasville Merchantile establishments have grown wonderfully with the town. There are general stores of every kind needed in a town, but Thomasville with its power of growing as a proven fact is ready to welcome more business men of the same calibre as those who are now its citizens, for business failures in Thomasville are almost unknown, and it's men have a sound rating in financial circles.

Thomasville has general stores, fine hardware stores, up-to-date drug stores, and grocery stores that handle the best in staple and fancy goods. There are two progressive banks in Thomasville, The Bank of Thomasville and The First National Bank. Semiannual dividends of 4 per cent were paid in January.

A bill has passed Congress for the erection of a Government building. Proposals for the site have been sent in, and it is probable that it will be erected on the corner next to Dr. Julian's residence.

Thomasville is not only on the Southern Railway, but it is connected with High Point, and with a newly opened up section toward the South by the Carolina and Yadkin River Railway, the management of which is now making preparations to connect Greensboro, Thomasville, High Point and Winston-Salem with an electric railroad.

Thomasville has always been a place of culture, refinement and of spiritual environment. In the old days, the Thomasville Female College exerted a wide influence for good, and the churches then and now stood and are standing as a light to the people of the community. The Methodist is the leading denomination with the Baptists next and the Presbyterians in third place. These three have recently built new church buildings, the Methodists building in 1909, Baptists and Presbyterians in 1912. The corporate limits of Thomasville embrace 2,170 acres, the town being 2 1-4 miles long by 1 1-2 miles wide.

Within this spot or it's neighborhood the citizens of Thomasville stand with open hearts and hands ready to welcome the new comer as a guest or as a citizen who desires to settle in a community blessed with a fertile soil, profitable industries, excellent schools, splendid churches, and a citizenship noted for business thrift and integrity.