Integration of Data and Interfaces to Enhance
Understanding of Government Statistics:
Toward the National Statistical Knowledge Network
NSF Grant EIA 0131824


Toward a Statistical Knowledge Network Project Meeting

November 19, 2004
BLS Room 7

9:00 Welcome and introductions/overview of project

9:15 Relation Browser update  (Gary)
Fedstats and BLS feedback?
Agency instances
Clustering progress
Next generation RB
9:45 User Interface themes
Sonification of  maps update (Catherine)
Viewing search results with stable, meaningful hierarchies (Bill)
Narrated demos (Ben)
10:30 Glossary update (Stephanie)
User study
Collaborations (EIA, NCHS) and help symposium (Jan 21-22)
11:00-11:15  Break
11:15 Metadata (Carol)
hierarchy of integration
11:45 Next steps
SKN future? 
Where to go next for collaboration/integration?  Funding?
Productizing/tech transfer?


The GovStat Project is managed at the Interaction Design Laboratory
at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Last Updated 12/02/2004