On May 17th, 1980 a small group of young men raided the polling 
    place and burned the ballots in the rural town of Chuschi 
    high in the Peruvian Andes. It was the first national election after 
    12 years of military rule. The people of Peru had no idea that 
    this small incident would curse the country’s return to democracy 
    for the next decade and a half. The Communist Party of Peru 
    by the Shining Path of Jose Carlos Mariátegui, better known as 
    Sendero Luminoso or the Shining Path, had thus launched its 
    armed fight. Its birth, however, began long before in the 
    classrooms of Abimael Guzmán, a charismatic professor at the 
    Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, who was 
    nicknamed "Shampoo" for his ability to convince his students 
    of almost anything. 

Within a few years Sendero Luminoso had shrewdly turned a critical national situation to their advantage by exacerbating class consciousness and social resentment among the indigenous people of the highlands. Although considered a legitimate insurrection by some and a repressive, reactionary movement by others, no one can deny the violence and bloodshed directly and indirectly attributed to the emergence of Sendero Luminoso. With the beginning of the urban strategy in the late 1980s and the involvement in the coca trade in the Upper Huallaga Valley soon after, it seemed all of Peru was a war zone. Flagrant human rights abuses by the military and its U.S.-trained counter-guerrilla forces (Sinchis) and the numerous killings of independent grass roots organizers, local politicians and unsympathetic civilians by Sendero Luminoso left the people of Peru caught in the middle.

Then on September 12, 1992 Presidente Gonzalo (Guzmán’s nom de guerre) was captured during a raid of a safe house in Lima. Considerably weakened, Sendero has lost much of its role in determining the future of Peru. But although it no longer holds the country captive, it still remains a force to be reckoned with.

Speech from the cage.  

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