University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Information and Library Science

INLS 500, Human Information Interactions, Fall 2015


On this page: Course description / Objectives / Readings / Assignments and evaluation / Additional course policies

Other class pages: Schedule / Assignments / Additional Readings / Sakai site


Instructor: Kathy Brennan




Office: 08 Manning Hall (IIS Lab, garden level)

Phone: (202) 997-2346 (mobile)


Class meetings: Monday & Wednesday, 3:35pm - 4:50pm; 304 Manning Hall

Course Description

Brief description: The behavioral and cognitive activities of those who interact with information, with emphasis on the role of information mediators. How information needs are recognized and resolved; use and dissemination of information.

Rationale and relationship to the current curriculum: This course undergirds much of our curriculum, because it introduces students to core concepts that have implications for the practice of information science and librarianship. It is expected that it will be taken during the first or second semester of the student's career at SILS.

Objectives for the Course

Students completing this course will:

Readings for the Course

Since this is a "survey" course, students will be expected to complete readings in preparation for each class meeting. The assigned readings are listed on the course schedule and will be made available electronically, through the UNC libraries, e-reserves, or the Sakai site for the course. No textbook is required.

Assignments and Evaluation

The final grade will be based on class participation and four graded assignments, one of which will be completed in small teams:

Due dates, including due dates of intermediate deliverables, are listed on the class schedule.

Honor Code. The Honor Code, which prohibits giving or receiving unauthorized aid in the completion of assignments, is in effect in this class. Whenever you use the words or ideas of others, they should be properly marked as a quotation (and referenced) or the source of the ideas should be cited.

Please contact the instructor if you have any questions about the application of the Honor Code to your work in this class. You can learn more about the UNC Honor Code at and about the Instrument of Student Governance at

Additional Course Policies

Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the specified due date. With the instructor's permission, late assignments will be accepted with a penalty.

Laptops and mobile devices are welcome in class, but should be used only for legitimate purposes related to this course.

You will be using SILS library and IT services during the course of the semester. Please remember that many of your fellow students also need to use the same equipment and materials. Follow the proper checkout procedures and return materials promptly to be a good SILS citizen.

Email is the most efficient way to communicate with the instructor outside of class, for brief questions or notes. Normally, you should expect a response within 24 hours. I am also happy to schedule a meeting with you; office hours are by appointment. If you come by the office and my door is open, then I'm available for a conversation.

Creative Commons LicenseThis INLS 500 website, UNC-CH, 2014, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, and benefitted from the earlier or co-development of this course by Barbara Wildemuth, Deborah Barreau, Laura Sheble, Ruth Palmquist, Kaitlin Costello, and Earl Bailey. Address all comments and questions to Kathy Brennan at This page was last modified on August 18, 2015 by Kathy Brennan.