We'll have a free lab session today
to finish up our basics tasks

Our goal is to feel comfortable in our understanding of the client-server relationship, our understanding of networks and internet standards, and our facility with some basic tools.

In preparation for the structural layer session ...

HTML5 and CSS3: Visual quickstart guide.

in your text, read:

  1. Chapter 1, Web Page Building Blocks
  2. Chapter 2, Working with Web Page Files

There will be pointers to other pages in the session notes.


in the alternate text, you may wish to read:

  1. Chapter 1, Web Standards, from page 3 to the end of the Structural Layer on page 7
  2. Chapter 8, HTML and XHTML Overview
  3. Chapter 9, Document Structure
  4. Chapter 11, Creating Links, pp. 169-172

You would be well advised to have a useful text editor on your personal laptop prior to class on Monday.

If you have a Windows laptop, you might want to download Notepad ++. It is both useful and free.

If you have a Mac, you might want to download TextWrangler. It is both useful and free.


basics lab and preparations for structural layer session