Combine - system for harvesting and threshing (indexing) Internet resources, initially developed as a part of the Development of a European Service for Information on Research and Education (DESIRE) project, adapted by the Kulturarw3 project at the Swedish National Library (Kungliga Biblioteket) to be used for web archiving
International Internet Preservation Coalition - national libraries of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, The British Library (UK), The Library of Congress (USA) and the Internet Archive (USA) collaboration for preserving Internet content for future generations
Khttrack - offline browser utility with KDE Wizard Interface, front end to HTTrack
Macromedia Flash Search Engine Software Development Kit (SDK) - provides a set of object and source code designed to convert a Flash file's text and links into HTML using a utility called swf2html, contains a C++ application, documentation, and editable source code for system integration into a search engine
Nedlib harvester - product of the Nedlib Project for collecting Web documents and storing them as archive files on UNIX file system, primarily intended for the national libraries who collect and store Web documents as a part of their (legal) deposit activities but may be used by any other organisation who wants to archive its own Web documents