Table III-41

Curriculum Changes Under Consideration


Type of Change Under Consideration

Number of Programs Reporting Possible Change

Changes in Core/Required Courses


Adding 6th Year or Post-Master's Program


Adding Doctoral Program


Changing Length of Master's Program


Adding Master's Program


Adding Joint Master's Program


Other Changes



•Albany- Revision of undergraduate program

•Arizona- Add joint master's degree with Area Studies; creating and refining the Knowledge River Program curriculum.

•Buffalo- Add JD/MLS with Law Library; review of School Library Media Program

•Catholic- Comprehensive review of areas of specialization

•Clarion- Web-based delivery system

•Clark- Course numbering system; comprehensive curriculum review in Fall semester

•Dalhousie- Information Systems and Technology

•Dominican- Curriculum review in Fall 2002

•Drexel- Expand course listings for on-line Master's programs; proposing a BS in Information Science

•Emporia- Add Master of Knowledge Management; Archival Program; Health Sciences Program.

•Florida State- Revise core course set for master's and bachelor's degrees

•Hawaii- Deletion and addition of courses; cross listing 3 new courses with ICS.

•Illinois- Core courses were revised; consideration of professional development sequences.

•Indiana- Add Joint Masters with English

•Iowa- add MS in Information Science; review of the curriculum has been initiated.

•Kent State- Continue to examine the role of technology in the curriculum; examine role of distributed education, especially in providing education for School Library Media certification.

•Kentucky- Change in technology requirements; lengthening of MA program to 42 hrs.

•Long Island- Complex change of core requirements, but not yet fully determined; addition of rare books program.

•Maryland- Add Master's in Information Studies; consideration of adding undergraduate degree or certificate.

•McGill- Adoption of streams of concentration.

•Michigan- Add joint E-Commerce degree with Business and Engineering; add dual degree with School of Social Work

•Missouri- Add 6th year or post-master's program; Add Foundations as 1.0 cr. hr.

•NC Chapel Hill- Articulation of courses between new undergraduate major and graduate level courses

•NC Greensboro- Reconfiguring the requirements of type-of-library and materials courses

•North Texas- Evaluations and revision of several programs of study within the Master's Degree.

•Oklahoma- Expect full approval of Master of Science in Knowledge Management

•Pratt- Review of Advanced Certificate Program; add electives or experimental courses

•Puerto Rico- Adding doctoral program  

•Queens- Revising GLIS 700; accepting of oversight of undergraduate minor

•Rhode Island- Add post-baccalaureate certificate in Information Resources Management

•St. John's- Undergraduate minor under development; expand Law Librarianship program

•South Carolina- Adding doctoral program; development of undergraduate program

•Southern Conn.- Increase number of technology courses in core.

•Syracuse- Plans changes in School Media Curriculum and changing length of a masters program.

•Texas- Changes in course inventory structure; doctoral seminars

•Texas Woman's- Adding management to core courses; development of additional courses with dual enrollment SLIS & MCOM

•Toronto- Add joint JD/MISt and joint MBA/MISt; adding generalist stream

•UCLA - Add an undergraduate major in IS

•Washington- Add joint Master's program with the Evans School of Public Policy and International Relations

•Wayne State- Add PH.D program; change length of master's from 36 to 39 hours; considering adding new certificate areas.

•Wisconsin- Madison- Add undergrad courses; advertising double degree programs that already exist.

•Wisconsin- Milwaukee- Add a thesis option for the MLIS program; replace the cataloging class with a course on organization of knowledge.

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